Page 295 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 295

lein Curacao - Klein Curacao is a small banana shaped island    M ako’s Mountain - This is a challenging site, so you are advised
                                                                               not to attempt jumping in unless you are at least an inter-
K located 16 miles South East of Willemstad. It offers some really    mediate diver. Situated on a point of land jutting out into the sea
                                                                      at the entrance to Santa Martha. A good advances dive with plenty
spectacular diving around its two points. The currents that run       of good corals, marine life. Although the entry to the site is from
here provide excellent visibillity and there are usually schools of   an outcrop where the entry can be quite difficult. Alternatively the
larger fish. The white sandy beaches are a nesting ground for sea     dive can be done from a boat. A shallow start to the dive through
turtles and these beautiful animals can be seen here year round.      fleshy soft corals finally makes way to a wonderful hard coral field.
For scuba diving Klein Curacao we require a minimum certification     Shark varieties have been found here such as hammerheads. You
of advanced open water and recent dive experience. The only way       will see porcupinefish, stingrays, moray eels, spiny lobsters and
of getting there is by a two-hour boat ride, and most dive centers    tarpon.
offer this as a separate day-trip that includes lunch on the island.
Klein Curaçao is an attractive place for both snorkelers and divers,  P aradise - A fantastic mixture of Curacao’s underwater features,
offering beautiful coral formations, a vertical drop-off, and plenty        Paradise lives up to its name and affords a diver a relaxing and
of fish life. Located 18 miles southeast of Curacao. This is a shal-  easy to dive experience.
low plateau dropping to 120+ feet. Everything is bigger at Klein
Curacao. Ocean triggerfish are abundant and seeing 5 turtles on       R ediho - Self-named after the three scientists who discovered
1 dive is not rare. Fish life is uninhibited with the absence of lo-        this site, Rediho is a beautiful plateau filled with soft corals
cal fisherman. This and other uninhabited islands away from the       and amazing examples of elkhorn coral and staghorn coral. Over
mainland will invariably make for phenomenal diving. Especially       its shoulder, the reef drops off to a slow and steady decline. Divers
when the conditions are right and you can drift the windward side     will casually slip along the wall and meet with a diversity of sea
of the island.                                                        life.

L ight Tower - The Light Tower site is accessible only by boat and
     recommended only for experienced divers who have encoun-
tered rough wave action, strong currents and difficult boat entries
and exits.
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