Page 299 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 299
Curacao Dive Sites - Shore Dives
C uracao is consistently rated one of Most of Curacao’s shore diving sites are on while swimming. This means that most
the best shore-diving locations in the the (South) East and West leeward coast dive sites are accessible from shore. The
world. Over half of Curacao’s dive sites can line; North side shore diving is not recom- easiest entry is from a sandy beach; second
be dived from shore and most of them are mended due to conditions. The reef drops best is the entry from a beach with coral
also great snorkel sites. Some dive sites are off close to shore along the Southern rubble.
identified by the red and white diver flag shore. Along the Northern shore the drop-
painted on rocks by the side of the road. off is farther from shore but still reachable