Page 325 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 325
iector’s Bay - Over here you can make two beautiful dives. A nice a shallow where there is still so much to see. The Blue Bay Wall
excursion begins from the beach with a gradual descent down a
D very good site for lessons also since the first few meters are
only white sand. About 10 meters from the beach the drop off be- coral and sponge-encrusted slope. Large schools of smaller fish
gins. If you make the dive to the left side of Director’s Bay you will mingled with stingrays and sea turtles. Following the trail of anem-
find a beautiful wall, overgrown with corals and sponges in a vari- ones and gorgonians along the reef leads to a very steep drop off
ety of colors. When you make the dive to the right side of Direc- at 210 feet where the wall begins. Further down, another slope
tor’s Bay you will see lots of soft corals. There is the little tugboat, leads to a plateau with another gorgeous reef replete with coral.
where lots of fish live in and around. The boat itself is beautifully Barracudas and nurse sharks can often be found circling about.
encrusted. H ell’s Corner - Hell’s Corner was named after the strong cur-
rent that flows at the nearby point where the dive site was
B lack Rock/Piedra Pretu - Black Rock, also called Piedra Pretu, originally. Now the buoy has been moved to a calmer spot to allow
makes a spectacular wall dive. The site has a lush shallow ter-
race and a steep, deep wall, which drops to about 37 m (120 ft) everybody to enjoy this amazing steep wall. Look for lots of brain
and then slopes off further to depths well beyond safe recreational corals, tube sponges, mushroom heads, gorgonians, abundant fish
dive standards.If you suffer from seasickness, you have two choices life, horse-eye jacks, barracuda, sea turtles, spiny lobsters, and
on this dive - don’t go, or take non-drowsy, seasickness medication moray eels.
to ease the trip. Snorkeling at your own risk. K abaye - The sites in the underwater park offer quite a different
experience from the calm western sites. The surface conditions
B lue Bay Wall - After you entered the bay from the beach at the are wilder and less protected, and the walls tend to be more dra-
Blue Bay Resort, there is a little surface swim before arriving at
the Blue Wall. Start swimming to the right and you can not miss it. matic with lusher coverage because of the constant fresh supply
A very nice dive site with healthy soft corals and hard corals grow of nutrients being brought in with the currents from the open sea.
almost right from the cliffs. On the first part of the dive it\’s nice Kabayé and Small Wall are situated right next to each other.
to go a little bit deeper then 18m /60ft and on your way back stay