Page 326 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 326
athys Paradise - The point past Newport along the South East more dramatic with lusher coverage because of the constant fresh
supply of nutrients being brought in with the currents from the
K Coast. A plateau from 12-ft to 28-ft and then drops off to 120 open sea. Kabayé and Small Wall are situated right next to each
other. The name says it all, it is a wall and it is small. Overhangs
feet. This site is a drift dive beginning near smokeys and heading and little nooks house schools of soldier fish, grunts, and damsel
west. There is a small wall from 27-ft to 50-ft with lots of cracks fish protecting their gardens and eggs
and crevices for critters to hide in. At the beginning of the dive
there is a large brain coral. Nutrient rich currents make the reef T ugboat - This site is very popular, and is a diverse area with
and marine life both healthy and abundant. good snorkeling, great photo ops and lots of diving choices
-- wall, wreck, deep. Located on the protected southeast side of
P laya Hundu - A small secluded beach on the west side of the Caracasbay, the Tugboat site is accessible only by boat. The wreck
island. The drive to this side is an experience by itself. Hundu rests at 5 m (17 ft) after sinking 25 years ago. It is covered with cor-
means deep and the reef of Hundu drops off pretty deep only 40ft al and is well preserved. A steep wall is located nearby (southeast),
away from the shore. Hundu has a nice steep drop off wall, but has about a three minute swim away, which drops to about 30 m (100
an amazing shallow reef too. ft). The wall is lush with hard corals and soft corals along the top
near the shallow ledge. Wave action is minimal, although at times
S eldom Reef and Bullenbaai - Intermediate and advanced divers there is a slight swell. There is usually no current at the Tugboat
craving sites offering more than the average wall dive, should itself, but as you head around the corner along the wall you may
consider these sites in their itinerary. Seldom Reef is spectacular encounter a current that may become quite strong. At the tugboat
and seldom dived (therefore the name). Very deep, with a sheer look for moray eels, trumpetfish, angelfish and tube sponges.
90” wall, the Bullenbay site is one of the better sites on Curacao for Along the wall, look for moray eels, scorpionfish and spiny lobsters
a true, deep dive. in the numerous crevices and shallow caverns.
S mall Wall - The sites in the underwater park offer quite a dif-
ferent experience from the calm western sites. The surface
conditions are wilder and less protected, and the walls tend to be