Page 337 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 337

S uperior Producer - The Superior Producer in Curacao is one         out of place, it became impossible for it to stay afloat. Just a little
     of the most popular wreck dives in the former dutch Carib-      while after the ship set sail the ship began to sink quickly on an
bean. The ship which was a small freighter that sank just outside    even keel. While this may seem like a tragedy, the people on shore
the harbor of the island. If you love diving ship wrecks, this is    were actually overjoyed because they were able to essentially
definitely one that you need to add to your must-see list. The His-  take everything that they could recover from the cargo on the
tory Behind the Superior Producer The Superior Producer sank in      ship. People donned the clothes and drank up all of the alcohol
September of 1977 outside the port of Willemstad. The ship was       that did not go down with the Superior Producer. The story goes
headed towards Isla Margarita in Venezuela. It was filled with al-   that the people who recovered the clothes from the ship gave this
cohol and clothes, which would be used for the upcoming Christ-      to the islanders who really needed it who used the jeans, shirts
mas shopping season. But because the seas were rough and there       for a years to come.
was far too much heavy cargo on the ship that ended up shifting
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