Page 338 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 338

he wreck of the Superior Producer in Curaçao is found sitting      during a daytime dive, you may wish to bring a dive light with you,
                                                                        as this tool will allow you to really see into the darkest parts of the
T upright in about 30 meters, or 100 feet, of water. It is easily       wreck and the light will also bring out the true vibrancy of the cor-
                                                                        als and sponges. Orange cup corals and orange tube corals, in par-
found about 60 meters, or 197 feet, off the coast of Otrobanda. It      ticular, which can be found covering the wheelhouse of the wreck,
measures roughly 50 meters, or 164 feet, in length, so it is defi-      are a beautiful sight especially at night, when the wreck literally
nitely a sight to behold at the bottom of the sea, and as you ap-       glows in an orange hue. You can swim to the boom which features
proach it, you will begin to see its vast shadow taking shape. The      lovely purple and yellow tube sponges that stand out against the
Superior Producer Wreck dive usually is a shore dive. Expect to do      blue of the deep water. Barracuda spend their time around the
a surface swim of 5 to 10 minutes before you get to the mooring         bow of the wreck, while blackbar soldierfish can also be found in
that is attached to the ship. Since the wreck lies so close to the      the wheelhouse. As you slowly and more closely examine all of the
actual cruise terminal boots are not allowed to get to the dive site.   myriad parts of this wreck, you will quickly realize that this has
Dont like shore dives and you are in the mood for something dif-        become a truly awe-inspiring underwater habitat.
ferent? Why not book a Heli Dive? This is not for the faint hearted.
Check out the video below! contact us if you would like to dive the     T he Crash - If you are really interested in finding the remains
Superior Producer from a Helicopter. Diving the Superior Producer            of the old airplane that crashed here, it is best to take a guide
Curaçao The Superior Producer Wreck is really a sight to behold         along. An old piece of a wing and a few other parts can still be rec-
today. Since the year it sank, a variety of marine species have         ognized if you know what to look for, but most parts are now just
covered it and transformed it into a reef of its own. It is covered in  coral covered bits of metal. Just off to the left of Curaçao Marriott
a huge variety of different types of corals and sponges, creating a     Beach Resort and Parasasa Beach, debris from The Crash is scat-
colorful display that will certainly take your breath away as you ap-   tered between large sandy areas.
proach the wreck during your descent. Night dives are also avail-
able, during which you would need a dive light to really see the
colors and the marine life found throughout the wreck, but even
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