Page 363 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 363
he Arawak heritage is stronger on Aru- United States (predominantly from the ruba’s flag was officially adopted on
north-east US), the Netherlands and South-
T ba than on most Caribbean islands. Al- America, mainly Venezuela and Colombia. A March 18, 1976, along with the official
though no full-blooded Aboriginals remain, A s part of the Kingdom of the Nether- anthem “Aruba Dushi Tera.” The blue repre-
the features of the islanders clearly indicate lands, citizens of the Netherlands can sents the sea that surrounds Aruba; yellow
their genetic Arawak heritage. Most of travel with relative ease to Aruba and other is the color of abundance; red is for love;
the population is descended mostly from islands of the Dutch Antilles. No visas are and white is for our pristine beaches.
Arawak, and to a lesser extent Spanish, Ital- needed for Dutch citizens, only a passport,
ian, Dutch, and a few French, Portuguese, and although the currency used in Aruba F or a small island, Aruba has a lot to of-
British, and African ancestors. Recently, is different (the Netherlands has the Euro), fer on flora and fauna. Aruba is home
there has been substantial immigration to Euros are still not widely accepted but can to more than 200 bird species and has a
the island from neighboring American and be easily exchanged at a local bank for significant population of the breeding
Caribbean nations, possibly attracted by Aruban Florins. For the facilitation of the terns. Hundreds of these birds can be found
the higher paid jobs. In 2007, new immigra- passengers whose destination is the United at the coastal islands at San Nicolas. The
tion laws were introduced to help control States, the United States Department of National Park, Arikok, also hosts different
the growth of the population by restrict- Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Customs and animals. You will have the pleasure of see-
ing foreign workers to a maximum of three Border Protection (CBP) full pre-clearance ing and learning about e.g. iguanas, goats,
years residency on the island. facility in Aruba has been in effect since 1 donkeys and bats when taking a guided
February 2001 with the expansion in the tour through the park. Aruba is a dry island
D emographically, Aruba has felt the Queen Beatrix Airport. United States and and therefore covered with bushes of cacti,
impact of its proximity to Venezuela. Aruba have had the agreement since 1986. aloe vera and local trees like the Kwihi and
Many of Aruba’s families are descended It began as a USDA and Customs post. Since Divi Divi.
from Venezuelan immigrants. There is a
seasonal increase of Venezuelans living in
second homes. Most tourists are from the