Page 368 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 368

uadirikiri and Fontein Caves - Two of  ral preserve features some of the oldest In- island’s early history from ancient Caiquetio
                                              dian drawings and modern pathways have Indian artifacts through Spanish and Dutch
Q Aruba’s most exciting sites are the
Quadirikiri and Fontein caves. Both are part been constructed in order to help visitors colonialism. The Willem III Tower was built

of National Park Arikok. And while Fontein better explore this ancient site, while stroll- in 1868 and added to the Fort with Aruba’s

cave is exceptional for its broad collection ing through towering rocks and Aruba’s           first public clock and served as a lighthouse

of ancient Indian paintings, Quadirikiri pro- unique variety of flora and fauna.              equipped with a spire and petrol lamp. All

vides wonderful opportunities for unique                                                      tours conclude with refreshments.
photos thanks to its two chambers that
                                                 onkey Sanctuary Aruba - The Aruba            A ruba Ostrich Farm - The Aruba Ostrich
Dallow filtered sunlight to enter. Travel along  Donkey Sanctuary takes in injured                  Farm fits in perfectly with the island’s

the 100 foot tunnel if you are adventurous, and sick wild donkeys, providing care and

but do it peacefully -- hundreds of (harm- a permanent home. This is a great place to rigid landscape and dry climate, offering

less) bats make their home here.              spend a couple hours, especially if you’re locals and visitors of all ages a wide variety

A yo Rock Formations - Ayo Rock For-          an animal lover or a kid. The donkeys love      of activities and facilities to enjoy. With a
      mations is located to the northeast     visitors, especially those with a handful of    guided tour as main attraction, everyone
                                              carrots or apples.                              can learn about these amazing creatures

of Hooiberg and just a couple of minutes      F ort Zoutman Historical Museum and Wil-        and from very up close. For an authentic
away from Aruba’s Donkey Sanctuary                 lem III Tower - Constructed in 1798, as a  South African souvenir, guests can browse
and Casibari -- another popular but more                                                      around the African Art Shop while the kids

crowded spot to explore the island’s unique means of defense against pirates, this old head to the playground. And to top the day,

collection of massive diorite boulders. What Dutch fortress now houses the Historical         have a wild bite and a smooth drink at the

makes Ayo a unique location is the tranquil- Museum of Aruba. The restoration of Fort Savanna Lodge.

ity of its surroundings, that create a sense Zoutman took place in 1974 and in 1983

of awe and an understanding of why the        the Willem III Tower was finished, enabling

area was once considered a sacred site by Aruba a historic museum of its own. The

the island’s original inhabitants. This natu- exhibition offers displays chronicling the
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