Page 373 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 373

eaches/Sun Tanning - Numerous water           ruba Eagle Beach is dotted with red           everal of the Aruba low rise hotels are

B sports abound along the coast, rang-        A and white markers to protect turtle          S nearby and just across the road; some

ing from scuba trips and parasailing to       nests. The turtles hatch mostly around sun-    provide cabanas and lounges for their
windsurfing and jet skiing. Eagle Beach       set and at night. Four species of sea turtles  guests. Every year during Easter week in
in Aruba is one of the most breathtaking      nest in Aruba - Leatherback, Loggerhead,       Aruba, tents dot the coastline as local fami-
beaches on the island. Eagle Beach boasts     Green and Hawksbill. Turtles can have their    lies enjoy the tradition of camping out. Ea-
the widest beach in Aruba and is famous       nest anywhere on the island, however           gle Beach is also home to two of the most
for its pristine and soft white sands. Eagle  most nests can be found on Eagle Beach in      photographed and renowned fofoti trees in
Beach offers a clear, sparkling Caribbean,    Aruba. Each nest contains some 80 eggs.        Aruba, with its trademark silhouette point-
ample parking, shaded picnic areas, some      Watching the hatchlings find their way to      ing in the direction of the Caribbean.
huts, and a variety of motorized water        the ocean conquering the sand and waves
sports. A few months per year                 is a unique vacation experience in Aruba.
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