Page 376 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 376

he South American mainland protects       providing incredible sites for wreck divers      site southern tip regularly. Some of the dive
                                                with a wide range of experience and inter-       operators in Aruba offer more than just
T the island from storm fronts approach-        est. Marine life is both diverse and abun-       scuba. For example, both “Unique” and “Red
                                                dant. Turtles, manta rays, stingrays, eagle      Sail Sports” offer diving and snorkeling and
ing from the west. The island’s southwest-      rays, groupers, barracuda, moray eels and        sunset trips. If you only plan to make a few
ern orientation in the Caribbean locates        octopi all make their homes in Aruba. You        specific scuba dives in Aruba , shop around
it outside of the typical zones for the         will find brain coral and star coral, sea fans,  for the best price and convenience. Any
tropical storms that plague most other of       barrel sponges and abundant reef fish, like      trip out to the Antilla should be great no
the Caribbean islands during the Atlantic       yellowtail snapper, scorpion fish and horse-     matter who takes you.
hurricane season. The leeward side of Aruba     eye jacks in abundance.
is protected from the rougher winds and                                                          A ruba is known more for its great
waves of the Caribbean Sea; visibility at       T he majority of dives are within a short              beaches, hotels and casinos. It is not
the popular leeward side diving locations            boat ride. Dubbed the ‘wreck diving’        considered a prime scuba diving location.
is excellent as a result. Visibility typically  capital of the Caribbean there are a number      Scuba diving is an offered activity, and
reaches between thirty to one hundred           of famous sites including the Antilla and        there are some good dives, but the island
feet on the leeward side of Aruba. Another      the Pedernales. Other dives such as Malmok       does not have the coral growth and massive
underwater geographic feature of Aruba is       Reef, Barcadera Reef and Lago Reef are           fish populations of the world renowned
the sandy shelf that extends outward from       packed with schooling fish and dramatic          scuba diving location of Bonaire located 86
the island, providing an excellent setting      coral formations. There is a mild to strong      miles to the East. Aruba also does not have
to dive at the numerous wrecks. This shelf      current in several places, so most reef dives    a wide variety of shore dive locations that
reaches modest depths of one hundred and        are “drifts”. The reefs are healthy, but noth-   are available on Curacao and Bonaire. What
forty feet, staying within the limits of most   ing more than average. Visibility, ranging       Aruba does offer is a Miami Beach environ-
certified divers.                               from 35’ to 85’, is often affected by turbid-    ment, that is safe, with great shopping,
                                                ity. A couple of companies dive some of          magnificent beaches and an US style infra-
O ne of the world’s premiere wreck-             the South coast on a regular basis, but JADS     structure of hotels, casinos, modern roads
       diving destinations, Aruba’s wrecks      may be the only one who dives the exqui-         and great night-life.
consist of a mix of both intentional sink-
ings (artificial reefs) and marine casualties,
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