Page 372 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 372

ruba Carnival - Get into the spirit of   feathered and sequined regalia are joined        of adorable miniature marchers in creative
                                               by imaginative rolling road pieces and huge      and colorful costumes. These are profes-
A Aruba’s biggest party of the year - a        music machines on wheels. Some carnival          sional productions organized and overseen
                                               groups in Aruba have hundreds of partici-        by parents. The Grand Carnival Parade in
month-long celebration with festive street     pants. Lining the streets along the routes of    Aruba’s second capital San Nicolas be-
parties known as “jump-ups” and spectacu-      the Grand Parades are trailers of all shapes     gins with jouvert morning, a combination
lar parades. Lovelies of all ages strut their  and sizes; many spectators are also happy        pajama party and jump-up, beginning in
stuff at Carnival Queen elections, compet-     just to stand at the side of the road. A spirit  the wee hours and lasting until dawn. The
ing for the coveted crown. Aruba Carnivals     of camaraderie and happy anticipation is         Grand Carnival Parade in Oranjestad takes
events are remembered for their powerful       felt by all as the hours of waiting are filled   place on the following day, making for an
music. Winning songs selected at carnival      with food and drink, greeting and social-        exhausting but exhilarating weekend. This
competitions in Aruba include the best         izing. Carnival in Aruba is way too much         is the largest and longest of all the Aruba
calypso with politically-charged lyrics and    fun to miss! Here are some highlights of the     Carnival parades with the most spectators
social commentaries, and the best road         wild and wonderful Aruba Carnival celebra-       and participants. The midnight burning of
march with catchy lyrics and melodies and      tions and parades ahead: The Lighting Pa-        King Momo, a life-size effigy of the spirit
movements all perform together. Years          rade is a twinkling nighttime extravaganza.      of Aruba’s Carnival, signals the end of the
later, many still “do the wiper”, “hit the     Tiny lights sewn into costumes create a          season. Rivaling that of Rio de Janeiro and
floor”, and “jump with your towel!” Grand      magical effect as marchers make their way        New Orleans, Aruba’s Carnival is a thrilling
Parades in San Nicolas and Oranjestad          along the Aruba carnival parade route. The       show of over-the-top pageantry 60 years in
are the biggest celebration parties of the     afternoon Children’s Parades feature groups      the making.
season and shut down both cities. Under
the blazing sun, marchers in resplendent
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