Page 370 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 370

rikok National Park Foundation - This   Sailfish, White and Blue Marlin, Wahoo,          a Teak Schooner, a Sailing Yacht, or to rent
                                              Shark, Barracuda, Amberjack, Kingfish,           a Hobie Cat, you will love the crystal clear
A wildlife park encompasses roughly
20% of the entire island and is dedicated to Bonito, and Blackfin, Bluefin and Yellowfin Caribbean waters.

the conservation of Aruba’s natural envi-     Tuna are abundant. You can hire for either a
ronment, and cultural-historical heritage.    Kfull day or a half-day your private boat with
The visitor center at the entrance to the                                                      itesurfing - In Aruba you can bask on
                                              captain and crew. It is recommend to make        the beach with your friend or head out

park provides many facilities, including      a reservation in advance since the demand to enjoy world famous high winds of the

a park exhibition, an information booth,      for these fishing charters has increased tre- Caribbean Sea. There is no more perfect

restrooms, a coffee house, a souvenir shop mendously the last couple of years, because place to windsurf or to kitesurf. The best

and a media room. Many tour companies         of their good reputation. This is especially gear on the planet and a wide variety of

offer excursions through these wilds but, the case during the high season.                     windsurfing and kitesurfing accommoda-

thanks to well-maintained walking paths,      H orseback Riding - Aruba’s topography           tions await your arrival. World famous in-
exploring on your own is also an option.             offers a variety of exotic locations for  structors and wind- en kitesurfing specialty
Within the park you will see the ruins of                                                      shops are at your beck and call. If you are a

a gold mining operation, caves, ancient       adventurous visitors. From the challenging kite- windsurfer, Aruba is the perfect place

indian drawings, and some remnants of         sand dunes to the desert-like plains that        to be. Every year in June/July, Aruba hosts

an old colonial Dutch settlement. Mount       will make you feel like the star of your own the Hi-Winds Amateur World Challenge

Yamanota, Aruba’s highest peak, is also part western motion picture. Along the way cap- windsurfing and kitesurfing tournament.

of Arikok park. As you walk the trails expect ture spectacular views atop the Arikok Hills This five-day competition attracts the most

to see divi-divi and kwihi trees, cacti, in-  with your camera.                                competitive professional windsurfers, kite-

digenous aloe, and many tropical birds and    S ailing - Aruba offers one of the most          surfers and hundreds of amateurs to the is-
lizards.                                           consistently reliable wind in the Carib-    land of Aruba and is sanctioned by the PBA
                                              bean. Flat, shallow water will offer excellent   (Professional Board Sailers Association).
D eep Sea Fishing - In the temperate          sailing and boat trips. Whether you prefer
       waters around Aruba, a variety of At-
lantic game fish can be caught year-round. a sailing cruise with a Luxury Catamaran,
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