Page 398 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 398

onesta Reef - Nice reef that starts in 15   woth lots of seafans salute as you cruise           he Fingers – (20-120’) The reef comes
S feet of water and goes to 80 feet. Lots                                                       T out like fingers pointing down to
                                                 S ponge Reef - (15-80’) Home of the soft
of brain coral, orange cup sponges, parrot            coral ranging from the orange elephant    deeper waters. Beautiful coral formations
fish, damsel fish, and butterfly fish. Two air-  ear sponges to purple and yellow tube          and sea fans can be found here. Moray eels
planes, an S-11 and a DC-3, have been sunk       sponges. Also lots of vase and small basket    and sea turtles are often seen on this site.
intentionally as an artificial reef. After hur-  sponges. Some interesting leaf and plate       The reef comes out like a finger pointing
ricane Lenny in 1999 the DC-3 was dragged        coral formations. Sea turtles often frequent   down to the deep water.
to 80 feet of water. Before completely intact    this site.
and now in two big pieces where penetra-                                                        T ire Reef - (15-90’) Black coral, sea whips,
tion of the wreck is still possible. Other       S tar Garren Wreck - The Star Garren is a           sea fingers, and plenty of gorgonians
parts of this plane are located at a depth of         cargo ship wreck, which is 300 feet long  and sea fans. Green moray eels and eagle
45 feet on a reef. The S-11 was sunk in 2004     in approx. 63 feet of water. Great abun-       rays are spotted occasionally here.
and except for the nose the plane is com-        dance of sea life including spider crabs and
pletely intact. Penetration of this plane is     barracudas. Exciting dive.                     T ugboat Wreck - The reef starts in 20-70
easy. This is a very nice and interesting dive                                                       feet of water. The tugboat wreck stands
with a great photo opportunity.                  T he Cross - (20-60’) There is a 10’ memo-     upright on bottom in 90 feet of water. On
                                                       rial monument surrounded by beautiful    occasion spotted eagle rays, stingrays and
S panish Lagoon Reef - (20-120’) Beauti-         coral formations, different soft corals and    octopuses can be seen very close by.
     ful dive site with lots of variety in soft  sea fans. Excellent drift dive.
corals, big brain corals, and different types
of snappers. This site consists of a drop-off
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