Page 395 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 395

angel Halto Reef - (15-110’) A pro-     feet. At 130 feet you can enjoy 5 islands       extremely strong currents at times. For ad-
                                                of coral with an abundance of mas bango         vanced divers only.
M nounced slope gives you the op-
portunity to admire a myriad of coral           fish which draw large fish like horse-eye
combination and marine life. Mangel Halto       jacks, tuna, and barracudas. The reef here      P edernales Wreck - The Pedernales wreck
Reef slopes from 4.5m (15 ft.) to ledges        is extraordinary, beautiful, and preserved.           is an oil tanker that was torpedoed by

and ridges that plunge to depths of 33m         Home of seahorses and sea turtles. This is a German submarine during the last World

(108 ft.). The area boasts an array of deep most definitely a must do dive, photo, and War. The wreck is a paradise for dive begin-

water gorgonians, anemones, and sponges. a great dive to log. Easy for beginners and ners. The wreck’s several large pieces are

Mobile marine life includes copper sweep- great for advanced divers. Brain, mountain, spread out between coral formations, and

ers, grunts, sergeant majors, spiny lobsters, star, and tower corals as well as deep water wreck cabins, wash basins, lavatories, and

blue tangs, butterfly fish, stingrays, yellow gorgonians and soft corals abound here. The more is completely visible - even the wreck’s

tail snappers, and horse-eye jacks. You may purple and orange sponges form a breath- pipeline system. The wreck of the Peder-

even spot a seahorse. At the greater depths, taking backdrop for the procession of color- nales was cut into three pieces by the U.S.

octopuses, green morays, nurse sharks,          ful fish and barracuda that inhabit this site. military during the war. The center piece,

tarpons, and barracuda inhabit small caves      N atural Bridge (20’-110’) Enormous, awe-       damaged by the torpedo, was left behind,
and overhangs. In early spring, graceful sea           inspiring boulders. Incredible forma-    and the two end pieces were towed to the
turtles appear on their way to lay eggs on                                                      U.S. and welded together into a smaller

the nearby beaches.                             tions of brain coral and star coral as well     vessel. The new ship was a part of the Nor-

M as Bango Reef - One of the best dive          as plenty of fire corals. Black coral and soft  mandy invasion fleet. The area around the
        sites in Aruba. Starts in about 5 feet  coral also abound, and giant barrel sponges     Pedernales wreck is known for groupers and
                                                rise from the bottom to decorate the ocean      its bounty of angelfish.

packed with corals and slopes down to 130 floor. This dive site has rough waters and
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