Page 391 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 391
abez Reef (50’ ) Due to strong currents, grunts and angelfish, while runner, horse- e Palm Slope - (15-120’) This is a good
eye jacks and barracuda patrol the area on
C for experienced divers only. Come face D dive, starts in shallow water and drops
to face with barracudas, amber jacks, rain- occasion. This dive features magnificent to deep water with fine coral formations
bow runners as well as for many different leaf and sheet coral formations. and often done as a drift dive, there are
types of tropical fish. Also known for sting- C udaredo Rocks - Huge waves crash barracudas, parrotfish, surgeonfish, yellow-
rays. Because of rough seas with strong around the rocks at the northernmost tail snappers and sergeant majors, spotted
currents, this dive is for experienced divers eagle rays are often seen. Coral formations
only. It offers an exciting shore entry. point of the island. On calm days, divers sloping to great depths. Well known for its
C aptain’s Choice - This site consists of and snorkelers will encounter a multitude great barracudas. Excellent for drift diving.
a cool drop-off with huge brain coral of fish here.
and star coral, and sea fans leading down G ino’s Choice (20-120’) This site consists
the slope to the bottom. Spotted moray D antchi’s Delight - Easy and beautiful of a cool drop-off with brain coral and
dive with a lot of orange sponges, star coral leading down the slope to the
eels are very common on this site. staghorn coral and damsel fish. Starts in 15 bottom. Lots of sea fans salute you as you
C alifornia Wreck - (30-45’ft) The wreck is feet of water and goes to 60 feet. cruise along.
surrounded by large coral formations
and an abundance of tropical fish. This D ebbie II Wreck - (70’) In 1992 a 120 H arbor Reef / Pilot Boat - (20’40’) Reef
foot fuel barge was sunken to create consisting of soft coral and hard coral
dive site is only for advanced divers, due to an artificial reef as well as a new dive site. formations, drops gradually to an old pilot
currents and sometimes choppy seas. The The wreck is surrounded by a reef where boat wreck, where a pair of green moray
wreck is almost 100 years old. you can find widely spread leaf coral and eels are often seen. The reef slopes with an
C ommandeurs Reef (40-90’) Sloping into brain coral. stingays and spiny lobsters are abundance of plant life and soft coral for-
the deep, formations of sheet and leaf occasionally spotted at this site. PThe wreck mations. Brain coral heads, with surround-
attracts schooling fish and barracudas. ing orange, black, and blue sponges, make
coral rise to decorate this dive. Extensive this another great dive for novices.
marine life such as snappers, groupers,