Page 388 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 388

A rashi Airplane - (35-40’) A fascinating      The Wreck sits on its port side. It breaks the  Starts in 25 feet and goes to 130 feet. Defi-
       reef for beginners. A sunken Lockheed   surface from a maximum depth of 60 feet.        nitely an advanced dive.

Lodestar sits at 35 feet of water. Coral for-  Abundance of colorful fish on coral en-
mations and parrot and angelfish surround      Bcrusted wreck. Large jewfish lives in forward
the airplane wreck and coral heads. This is a                                                  arcedera Reef - (20’-80’) Great reef with
                                               section. Throngs of blue tangs will eat bread   lots of fish, spiny lobster and moray

fascinating reef for novice divers. The wings, out of your hands at the stern of the boat. eels. Starts in 15 feet of water and goes to

cockpit, and front half of the fuselage sit    There are more fish here than on any reef. 80 feet. Seahorses to be found at this site in

upright in a frozen takeoff position.You may Locally referred to as the “Ghost Ship” this about 45 feet of depth. This dive has a sandy

see angelfish, parrotfish, sergeant majors, German freighter (brand new at the time) bottom with an abundance of brain corals

yellowtail snappers, Caesar grunts, gray       was scuttled on May 10, 1940 when the Ger- and of a number of different species of huge

chromis, and blue tangs are contemplating mans invaded Holland during World War II. sea fans. The fans oscillate hypnotically with

how to reassemble all the pieces. Just south   B aby Beach Reef (20-60’) - Great visibility    the current, producing a remarkable sensa-
of the plane parts, brain coral, star coral,         and accessible from the shore. A unique   tion of movement. This reefs is good for
and sea rods dot the strip before drop-                                                        both divers and snorkelers. Dense clusters

ping off to a ledge painted with sea fans      opportunity for shore diving into the open of elkhorn coral, staghorn coral, and finger

and multicolored encrusting sponges. The sea. Large formations of elkhorn corals,              coral populate the reef, and along the sandy

plane’s depth is ideal for novice divers and combined with sheet coral, make it a perfect bottom, brain corals and huge sea fans hold

snorkelers.                                    place for crabs, octopus, and spiny lobsters. sway. Wrasses, scorpionfish, blue and stop-

A ntilla Wreck - (60’) German freighter.       B ali Barge Reef - Site where the barge         light parrotfish, damselfish, and pink-tipped
       The largest wreck in the Caribbean            portion of the old Bali Restaurant was    anemones also set up housekeeping in the

(400’ long), it is great for penetrations due sunk. Nice sloping wall/reef with lots of fish,

to the large compartments of this vessel.      plume worms, moray eels and eagle rays.
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