Page 392 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 392

I ndian Head (25-90’) A large formation that At this site you will find lots of angelfish       and manta rays. Eagle rays can also be seen
   looks like a head. Brain coral and star coral and schooling tropical fish in and around      here. This is an excellent dive for photogra-

formations, schooling tropical fish await.      the wreck. the Jane Sea wreck rests in a        phy and should definitely be logged.

I sla de Oro Reef - (20-90’) The shallow por-   thick grove of star, boulder, plate, and brain
   tion of the reef offers many different com-  Lcoral. This 246-foot Venezuelan cement
                                                                                                ago Reef (120’) One of the deepest
                                                freighter was sunk in 1988 to form an artifi-   of Aruba’s dive locations. Lago Reef

binations of brain, staghorn, star and plate cial reef after it was caught with a cargo of features gorgeous deep water gorgonians,

coral. Lots of sea fans and soft coral also     cocaine. Blanketed with hydroids, fire coral, fantastic sea anemones, and magnificent

enjoy this site. Under the coral formations and encrusting sponge, the anchor chain is sponges, all of which create an impressive

you can sometimes find spiney lobsters.         completely rigid. The ship’s sides are orange backdrop for colorful marine life of every

View moray eels, coral crabs, and schools with cup corals and home to french and                shape and size imaginable.

of snappers playing around underwater           queen angelfish. Keep your eyes peeled          M almok & Debbie (70’) At this typi-
coves formed of sheet coral and leaf coral.     for barracuda, green morays, tropicals, and             cal bottom reef you will find wildly
Sea rods and sea whips sway gently to the       gorgonians, and watch your head when

rhythm of the currents.                         entering the radio room and mess hall.          spread leaf and brain corals. Stingrays and

I sla Bonita - At this beautiful reef moray     K antil Reef - Drop off from 40-130 feet.       spiny lobsters are occasionally spotted at
   eels, coral crabs, and schools of snappers         Beautiful reef with lots of parrot fish,  this site. In 1992 a 120’ fuel barge was sunk
                                                                                                as an additional attraction. Malmok is noted

playing around are often spotted. Coves         barracudas, lobsters and lots more. This is a for its unusual number of stingrays that

formed of sheet coral and leaf coral, as well fascinating drop off, with boulders of brain take their daily siesta here, just waiting to

as sea rods and sea whips sway gently to        coral and star coral, an abundance of for-      be photographed. Barrel sponges--purple,

the rhythm of the currents. Jane Sea Wreck mations of leaf and sheet corals, and plenty orange, and green--cover the area.

- A 250’ cement freighter sitting upright       of huge sea fans and gorgonians. There are

on the bottom in 90’ of water. The wreck is incredible marine life encounters to be had

surrounded by beautiful coral formations. here, with yellow tails, morays, groupers,
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