Page 424 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 424

irplane Wrecks - Aruba features the     Each of these sites offers new wreck divers      was launched in 1939 in Hamburg, when
                                              a safe and easily penetrable wreck. Another      it left for its first trip to the Caribbean. In
A remains of two airplanes. As you can                                                         1940, the ship was scuttled during World
imagine, this is one wreck site that intrigues airplane, a Lockheed Lodestar, is located       War II when the Germans invaded Holland.
                                                                                               The captain of the ship set it on fire in an
divers of all levels from around the world. just north of the Antilla wreck in thirty-five     effort to never have to surrender it to the
                                                                                               enemy. It sank into the depths and is known
The two planes are referred to as the S-11 feet of water. This plane, along with a thriv-      today as the Ghost Ship of Aruba. It’s con-
                                                                                               sidered to be one of the best wreck dives
and DC-3, and they were intentionally sunk ing reef of coral with plenty of angelfish, is      in all of the Dutch Caribbean. The ship is
                                                                                               about 122 meters, or 400 feet, in length, so
in order to create an artificial reef. In 1999, ideally suited for beginning scuba divers.     there’s plenty to explore here. And the site
                                                                                               is perfect for all levels of divers, thanks to
Hurricane Lenny dragged DC-3 and it’s now     A ntilla Wreck (60’) - Referred to lo-           the very gentle currents surrounding it. Slip
found in two large pieces that divers can           cally as the ghost ship, the Antilla is a  through the large windows to get a look
still explore. The S-11 is newer because it                                                    inside the wreck.

sank in 2004. The plane is still intact, except German freighter that was scuttled by the      A rashi Airplane - (35-40’) A fascinating
                                                                                                     reef for beginners. A sunken Lockheed
for the nose, so you can easily get inside    Germans in 1945. The Antilla is the largest      Lodestar sits at 35 feet of water. Coral for-
                                                                                               mations and parrotfish and angelfish sur-
it to explore what marine life, if any, have wreck in the Caribbean (400’ long) and was        round the airplane wreck and coral heads.

now made it home. Just west of Oranjestad sunk when it was brand new. The wreck is

rests a couple of intentionally submerged excellent for penetrations because of its

airplane husks, including a DC-3and an        large compartments. Covered by giant tube

S-11. The main portion of the DC-3 rests      sponges and coral formations, the Antilla

in about eighty feet of water, while some is surrounded by spiny lobsters and many

of its remnants sit on a reef of soft corals  kinds of tropical fish (mainly angelfish and

and colorful sponges at a depth of forty-     yellowtail snapper). It is a great place for

five feet. This massive plane was torn apart night diving. The SS Antilla was a cargo

by Hurricane Lenny in 1999. The S-ll rest     ship that had been built for trade purposes

nearby and is only missing its nose cone.     between Germany and the Caribbean. It
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