Page 429 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 429
alifornia Wreck (30’-45’) - The fascinat- photographed. You will find a vast array of in 90’ of water. The wreck attracts lots of
marine species surrounding it. The barge schooling tropical fish. Deep water gorgo-
C ing wreck of the California is located nians, sponges and coral growing on the
at a depth that is ideal for underwater measures 37 meters, or 120 feet, in length. wreck. The freighter is almost 200 feet long
and is surrounded by some spectacular sea
photography. The wreck is surrounded by Corals, stingrays, and spiny lobsters are just fans and brain corals. You may even catch a
glimpse of sea turtles and stingrays. Be on
large coral formations and by an abundance a few of the species that can be seen here. the lookout for the beautiful angelfish that
inhabit this area. Barracudas lurk about,
of tropical fish. Because it is located in The wreck is surrounded by a reef where waiting to snag an unsuspecting smaller
fish. Manta rays may also be seen near this
the dangerously choppy water and strong you can find widely spread leaf coral and wreck. Because of the strong currents, this
dive is best reserved for those with more
currents of the island’s windward side, the brain coral await you at this bottom-reef. experience. This gargantuan two hundred
and fifty foot wreck rests in ninety feet of
wreck of the California is only for advanced The wreck attracts schooling fish and bar- water. Because of this dive’s depth and tight
penetration areas and occasional strong
divers. The California made history as the racudas. currents, only advanced divers should at-
tempt this site. You will enjoy exploring the
ship that received, but failed to respond to, H arbour Reef/Pilot Boat (40-100’) Gradu- massive cargo holds.
the S.O.S. signals sent from the doomed Ti- ally dropping through magnificent
tanic. The California is almost 100 years old.
D ebbie II Wreck - is an easy wreck dive, formations of hard coral and soft coral to an
so even the most inexperienced divers old pilot boat. On occasion spotted eagle-
rays and stingrays can be seen. Favorite of
can give it a try. It is a 120 foot fuel barge many for good photography opportunities.
sunken to create an artificial reef as well J ane Sea Wreck (80-100’) A 250’ cement
as a new dive site. It’s easy to access and freighter sitting upright on the bottom
there’s plenty of marine life to be seen and