Page 435 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 435

MPraontaegcetmeedntAreas                       Responsibilities                               Marine Park Map

The Nature Foundation manages the Man          To successfully maintain the integrity of
of War Shoal Marine Park, which was es-        the marine protected area, island legisla-
tablished on December 30th of 2010. The        tion prohibits: the feeding of animals, sink-
designation of the marine protected area       ing of vessels, illegal shing methods such
was a groundbreaking achievement for St.       as use of sh traps, discharging of chemi-
Maarten as it became the country’s rst le-     cals or waste, and anchoring.
gally protected area.
                                                 In the Conservation Zone, there is
The Man of War Shoal Marine Park is now a        entire prohibition of: water scooter
sanctuary for whales, dolphins, numerous         use, shing, sailing on vessels ex-
species of sharks, sea turtles, coral reefs      ceeding six meters, removal of dead
and a wide array of shes. It is also a breed-    or alive organisms.
ing site for three IUCN Red List species, 10
CITES Appendix I species and 89 Appendix       The purchase of your Man of War Shoal St.
II species.                                    Maarten Marine Park Entrance Tag is man-
                                               datory for diving within the marine park.
Studies conducted by the Nature Founda-        Income generated through the sale of the
tion indicate high levels of biodiversity and  tags goes directly towards the manage-
particularly high coral reef coverage within   ment of the marine protected area.
the park. The conserved state of the Man
of War Shoal increases the economic value
of goods and services on St. Maarten.

Our mission is to preserve and enhance the natural environment of St. Maarten through proper  The Man of War Shoal Marine Park is 3,100 hectares (7,660 acres).
management, education public awareness, law enforcement, scienti c research and monitoring
relating to all aspects of the terrestrial, wetland and marine surroundings.
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