Page 438 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 438

Marine life around the island includes blue crabs; banded coral          she sank. Maximum depth about 55 feet. This is also a popular night
shrimp; spiny lobsters; Queen Conch & helmet conchs; Triton’s trum-      dive spot. Nice reef surrounding this wreck with big barrel sponges
pets; long spined urchins; fireworms; sponges & cushion sea stars;       and lots of marine life.
porcupine fish; barracudas; a spotted & plumed moray eels; spotted       FUH SHENG - The Fuh Sheng is a natural wreck. It is a Taiwanese
& plumed scorpion fish; long lured frog fish; nurse sharks; a wide va-   Fishing vessel that was trying to reach the island of Saint Martin be-
riety of tropical fish; sea horses; and dolphins. In recent years there  fore it sank. It didn’t make it, and is now laying in about 110 feet of
has been an increase in foraging Hawksbill and Green sea turtles and     water. This is a site FOR sharks coming and as you are descending
the occasional Loggerhead as well that feed on the sea grass beds and    down the line, it isn’t unusual to see a shark circling the wreck. The
sponges.                                                                 actual wreck is laying on its side, and you can’t go inside it, but is does
                                                                         attract a lot of life. There is eel garden just off of the bow. You have to
SCUBA DIVING SITES                                                       move really slowly, or else they duck down and hide in their holes.
                                                                         THE PORPOISE - This is a tugboat that was sunk there on purpose,
CREOLE ROCK - It is part of the French Marine Reserve and is a           lying on a sandy bottom at 90 feet deep. It’s slightly tilted towards her
protected area. Moorings are provided for dive boats to protect the      starboard side. Beautiful gorgonians growing on it. Take a look in the
reef from anchor damage. Diveable in all conditions, this dive site has  engine room. Lots of fish, good chance to see stingrays. Eel garden
produced some of the most amazing marine life. The best part of the      next to the wreck.
dive is the back of Creole Rock where the coral is fed by the rich At-   ISABELLA REEF - Old sailboat at about 90 feet deep lying on a sandy
lantic waters, passing jacks, barracudas and eagle rays are an awesome   bottom – lots of garden eels poking up their heads. Great reef close
and regular sight.                                                       by. Big schools of fish, moray eels, lobsters, beautiful healthy hard and
LONG BAY REEF - Beautiful reef (maximum depth 57 feet) with lots         soft corals.
of caves and crevasses, good chance to find some good size King crabs    THE BRIDGE - It is a maximum depth of 50 feet and it is really four
and lobsters. On top of the reef: big barrel sponges and a variety of    dive sites in one. It doesn’t look so much like a bridge when you see it
hard and soft corals. Lots of fish, good chance to spot turtles.         underwater, it is more a mix of I-beams and unrecognizable slabs of
THE GREGORY (STERN) - This wreck dive, a flat bottom barge was           wood and metal. But, it has attracted a lot of life there, often a super
deliberately sunk to form an artificial reef. She turned upside down as  huge green turtle. As the bridge itself isn’t very large, the diving cent-
she sank. Maximum depth about 55 feet. This is also a popular night      ers got together and scuttled three other smaller sailing vessels. These
dive spot. Nice reef surrounding this wreck with big barrel sponges      wrecks have attracted a lot of life as well, especially lobsters and sting
and lots of marine life.                                                 rays all over. You are able to explore one wreck, then swim off into the
THE GREGORY (BOW) – This wreck dive, a flat bottom barge was             blue until the other wreck appears .
deliberately sunk to form an artificial reef. She turned upside down as
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