Page 494 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 494
Saba Eco-tourism and sustainability
The nature on Saba is unique. Due to the difficulties reaching the island,
tourism remains small scale. The number of inhabitants is modest, the infra-
structure minimal. To be precise, there is but one main road: ‘The Road’.
Eco-tourism and sustainability go hand in hand. The Sabans have been
dependent on the surrounding islands for the supply of raw materials for
centuries. This is why the inhabitants understand the art of carefully using
everything nature has to offer.
This applies to tourism in particular. Eco-tourism is the standard. No speedboats,
no jet skis. ‘Leave no trace, only footprints’. Respect for nature, respect for
local lifestyles and customs. So the next generations can enjoy the beauty of
Saba for a long time to come.