Page 513 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 513

Magnifcent Pristine Coral Formations

D ive tourism began slowly. In the early    M arine biologist Tom van t’Hof, who
       days, most of the visitors came for          had been a key player in the develop-
a one-day visit from St. Maarten. But as    ment of the Bonaire Marine Park, was hired

word of Saba’s underwater riches spread,    to conduct an official survey. His report

the number of tourists increased. For       was submitted in 1983 and approved by

their part, the shops had begun practicing the government in early 1984. The Prince

some environmental procedures to protect Bernard Fund and the World Wildlife Fund

the reefs before any damage occurred by     provided initial funding. Although the park

establishing moorings made from blocks or was not officially declared until 1987, much

large abandoned anchors. These develop- was accomplished in the interim period,

ments did not go unnoticed by the Saban including drilling permanent moorings, es-

government. In 1981, sister Antillean island tablishing mapping, purchasing a truck and

Bonaire had officially designated her marine a boat, as well as publishing education lit-

park. A marine park is a specific area in   erature. In addition to the two dive shops, a

which regulations and zoning have been      live aboard also began to pay regular visits.

established to protect and enhance marine By 1987, two additional live boards were

resources. Today, there are many marine     issued licenses. Diving became another

parks and they have become an industry      sparkling facet of the Saban jewel.

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