Page 514 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 514
lthough Saba’s underwater attractions he next level of recognition and safety concept.
A include spectacular (and shallower) T was reached when Dr. John “Jack” Bu-
reefs and walls, it is for her pinnacles that chanan coordinated with the Dutch Navy SABA’S TOPOGRAPGHY AND SEA MOUNTS
she has acquired a reputation as a “must and the Saban government to bring a hy- R ising from the depths like the towers of
go destination” among seasoned divers. perbaric chamber to Saba. Saba’s chamber an ancient citadel, Saba’s pinnacles and
The pinnacles are actually the summits is now the official sport diving chamber
of underwater mountains, beginning at for a territory ranging from Puerto Rico to seamounts serve as sanctuaries for diverse
around 85 feet and extending to the abyss. Barbados. It is owned and operated by the marine life. The dramatic landscape of
They are awesomely impressive, not only to Saba Marine Park but is closely allied with these sentinels of the deep provides food
divers, but apparently also to the larger fish The Saba School of Medicine. A hyperbaric and shelter for a wide range of species.
and pelagics that are frequent visitors. The master’s program provides “call teams”, Coral and sponges decorate their steep
design of the park and its zoning were a medical students and local volunteers, to slopes, mollusks and crustaceans inhabit
collaborative effort between the dive shops, treat diving accidents and conduct research their crevices, and multitudes of fish swim
the government and Sabans, including her in to treating barotraumas and wounds. nearby attracting larger predators. As eco-
fishermen. Unlike other marine parks that As the “second child”, Saba benefited from logical microcosms they are scientifically
were founded after diving tourism was al- experience gained from the development of fascinating and play a vital role as breeding
ready having an impact on the underwater the Bonaire park. Both parks have received and feeding grounds, cleaning stations, and
environment, Saba’s reefs were protected numerous environmental awards and have migration waypoints for pelagic creatures.
before any damage occurred. Her reefs are been the subject of many studies. Saba’s However, even to the untrained, non-
pristine. Annual scientific surveys indicate park was actually the first to be fully self- scientific eye this ecological significance
that fish density, variety and size are in- funding through user fees and donations. manifests itself in a majestic and colorful
creasing and the growing number of shark The fees are used to maintain facilities and display of life.
sightings hears this out--see our Nature to support a staff of three professionals.
News page for regular updates. The Netherlands Antilles governments have
enthusiastically embraced the marine park