Page 543 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 543

dmiral Rodney’s sailors and troops             t its peak, St. Eustatius may have had a  population stood at a mere 970.

A pillaged the island. Britain declared        A largely transient population of about         T he first record of Jews on St. Eustatius
                                                                                                       dates to 1660. The Jews were mainly
war on Holland, December 20, 1780. Even        10,000 people. Most were engaged in com-        merchants with significant international
before officially declaring war, Britain had   mercial and maritime interests. A census        trading and maritime commercial ties. Jews
outfitted a massive battle fleet to take       list of 1790 gives a total population (free     were captains, owners or co-owners with
and destroy the weapons depot and vital        and enslaved people combined) of 8,124.         Christian partners, of significant numbers
commercial center that St. Eustatius had       Commerce revived after the British left.        of ships originating out of St. Eustatius. A
become. British Admiral George Brydges         Many of the merchants (including the Jews)      few were island plantation-owners. Jews
Rodney was appointed the commander of          returned to the island. However, French and     were estimated to have comprised at least
the battle fleet. February 3, 1781, the mas-   British occupations from 1795 disrupted         10% of the permanent population of St.
sive fleet of 15 ships of the line and numer-  trade and also the North-Americans, now         Eustatius. Two days after the island surren-
ous smaller ships transporting over 3,000      globally recognized as an independent           dered to the British in early February 1781,
soldiers appeared before St. Eustatius pre-    nation, had meanwhile developed their           Rodney ordered that the entire Jewish
pared to invade. Governor De Graaff did not    own trading network and did not need St.        male adult population assemble for him.
know about the declaration of war. Rodney      Eustatius anymore. The island was eclipsed      He immediately arrested and imprisoned
offered De Graaff a bloodless surrender to     by other Dutch ports, such as those on          101 Jews in the warehouses of the lower
his superior force. Ten months later, the      the islands of Curaçao and Sint Maarten.        city. Rodney said, after he first learned of
island was conquered by the French, allies     During the last years of the 18th century       the St. Eustatius Jews: “They (the Jews of St.
of the Dutch in the war. The Dutch regained    Statia developed trade in aging rum. The        Eustatius) cannot too soon be taken care of
control over the devastated island in 1784.    economy declined in the early 19th century.     - they are notorious in the cause of America
                                               St. Eustatius never recovered the durable       and France.”
                                               robustness of the mid 18th century. The
                                               large merchant class, that was the life
                                               blood of St. Eustatius, did not fully return.
                                               The population declined and in 1950 the
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