Page 538 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 538

MOUNT MICHAELS: Newly established in             Enjoy schools of Chromis and Creole Wrasse      feet. Maximum Depth: 100 feet
1999 and discovered by Michel Cleveau,           along with hunting Blackjacks and mature
formerly of Sea Saba, this site is located       Hawksbill Turtles. Mooring Depth: 90 feet.      TENT REEF WALL: A dramatic multilevel wall
south of the main plateau where two pin-         Maximum Depth: 110 feet.                        dive with rich color and looming overhangs.
nacles rise to within 100 and 120 feet of                                                        Heading out along the wall at 80 feet and
the surface. The higher peak supports a          PORITIES POINT (Lou’s Ladder): Large            back along an overhang ledge at 50 feet
dramatic vertical wall on one side with a        encrusted boulders that over time have          provides a close look at the myriad of color-
gentler slope connecting it to the shallower     developed into a continuous reef structure      ful encrusting sponge species. Queen An-
peak. Look for pelagics, specifically “Barna-    with sandy alleys characterize this dive site.  gelfish and large Barracuda in the shadows
cle Bill”, a large hawksbill turtle, or enjoy a  Large fields of Club Finger Coral along with    make this a heads up, as well as thumbs up,
wealth macro photography opportunities           the many ledges and small crevices provide      dive. Mooring Depth: 23 feet. Maximum
that this site presents. Mooring Depth: 95       the perfect hideouts for Spiny Lobster and      Depth: 80 feet.
feet. Maximum Depth: 110 feet                    an abundance of smaller reef fish. Mooring
                                                 Depth: 50 feet. Maximum Depth: 75 feet.         TENT REEF DEEP: A deep patch reef at the
OTTO LIMITS: Follow the patch reefs as they                                                      end of the Tent Reef system. This small,
continue to go slightly deeper from the          TEDRAN REEF: A series of coral outcrops         steep-sided reef is often combined with a
normal 35’ (10m) at Torens Point and treat       at the edge of a sandy slope and a vertical     visit to the Tent reef dive site. Schools of
yourself to a seldom dived area. Schools         drop-off provide a varied multi-level wall      Yellowtail Snapper and large Margates can
of grunts and roaming turtles are common.        dive. The mooring pin at the edge of the        be found on the deeper parts of the reef.
Keep your eyes peeled for the normally           wall is the drop-off point to your recom-       Mooring Depth: 70 feet. Maximum Depth:
nocturnal spotted snake eel--only his large      mended maximum depth of 100 feet. Head          120 feet.
head will be sticking out of the sand.           north along the wall and then return to the
                                                 mooring over the tops of the coral outcrops
OUTER LIMITES: Swimming northeast                at 60 feet. Look for several big, old anchors
towards the tip of this narrow ridge prepare     in the coral along with large Southern
yourself for a dramatic vertical drop off.       Stingrays in the sand. Mooring Depth: 70
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