Page 535 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 535

HOLE IN THE CORNER: A series of large cor-       ing back to the mooring. Especially interest-  of Filefish, and French Grunts and Span-
al encrusted boulders lead to a sand bot-        ing are the large colonies of Garden Eels in   ish Grunts. Don’t overlook the many sandy
tom at 75 feet where a variety of hard and       the sand and numerous schools of French        alleyways that offer a close-up look at Yel-
soft coral structures are the background         Grunts that you’ll find here. Mooring          lowhead Jawfish. Since Summer ‘99, a pair
for the schools of Blue Tang and Chubs that      Depth: 40 feet. Maximum Depth: 80 feet.        of seahorses found here--don’t forget the
inhabit this dive site. Alleviate the eyestrain                                                 camera! Mooring Depth: 42 feet. Maximum
caused by looking for the ever-elusive           LADDER BAY DEEP (Custom’s House): This         Depth: 80 feet.
Nudibranchs found here by taking a peek          site is a great alternative to an off-shore
into the blue for rare Manta Ray sightings.      pinnacle, a bit deeper than other sites in     MAN O’ WAR SHOALS: Just east of Diamond
Mooring Depth: 40 feet. Maximum Depth:           Ladder Bay, but a gradual sloping reef. This   Rock, this similarly steep rock structure
75 feet.                                         stand-alone reef is covered colorful corals    lies in the sandy bottom at 70 feet with
                                                 and long Devil’s Sea Whips that dangle over    twin peaks rising to 15 and 20 feet of the
HOT SPRINGS: So named because of the             the sandy areas where you can find South-      surface. A multi-level dive profile works
hot water springs coming through vents in        ern stingrays and furry sea cucumbers.         best here by circumnavigating the base and
the sea floor, this dive site is proof posi-     Mooring Depth: 60 feet. Maximum Depth:         slowly spiraling upwards between the two
tive that Saba’s volcano is merely dormant       110 feet.                                      peaks in figure eight fashion. A final safety
not extinct as suggested elsewhere. Pick                                                        stop at the top maximizes your bottom
a dive here! Head seaward from the moor-         LADDER LABYRINTH: The labyrinth of 10          time while enjoying the show below. This
ing and then south over a series of coral        foot coral and rock ridges just seaward of     site offers some of the most diverse and
heads separated by a sandy bottom. A huge        the mooring provide numerous nooks and         luxuriant marine life and fauna in the Saba
anchor (one of several at this dive site) is a   crannies for shrimp, crab and lobsters while   Marine Park ranging from Black Coral and
good point to turn inshore and back to the       making it clear how this site was named.       hoards Sergeant Majors to industrious Sand
mooring. Alternatively, head seaward and         Heading east the labyrinth gives way to a      Tile Fish. Mooring Depth: 20 feet. Maximum
then north for a shallower version among         more organized system of lava flows and        Depth: 70 feet.
the coral encrusted boulders before head-        sand chutes. Look for healthy populations
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