Page 531 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 531
Saba’s Dive Sites in Alphbetical Order
BABYLON: Dramatic ledges host the Deep- file fish and large spiny lobsters. Mooring
water Sea Fans that are found as you head Depth: 60 feet. Maximum Depth: 80 feet.
seaward from the mooring. Cross over sev-
eral lava flows and sand chutes, returning to CORE GUT: Peer through the looking glass
the mooring and head towards shore where at the mushroom shaped Honeycomb
the coral encrusted boulders become larger Plate Corals and Sunray Lettuce Corals that
and more numerous. Opportunities to see create this majestic seascape. A northerly
Hawksbill Turtles, large Barracuda, Nurse route yields a deeper wall dive with Tiger
Sharks and Morays are the norm at this site. Groupers and paired Black Jacks as frequent
Mooring Depth: 47 feet. Maximum Depth: loiterers. A southerly route traverses a steep
80 feet. slope where Queen Angels and Hawksbill
Turtles are usually found. Mooring Depth:
BIG ROCK MARKET: A sandy area with patch 40 feet. Maximum Depth: 90 feet.
reef; large boulders in shallows towards
shore. This site was named for the huge COVE BAY: Newly established in 1999 after
boulders which are found close to the being discovered by medical students at
shore. Unlike the big boulder outside The their Cove Bay campus, a short surface swim
Big Rock (super) Market in Windwardside, to the northern side of the cove drops you
these rocks provide the background for to a vertical wall covered in red and yellow
those silly trumpet fish who think they can’t soft corals with far-reaching Devil’s Sea
be seen with the blue tangs. The deeper Whips. Large Green Moray Eels and the Mid-
patch reef found to the northeast of the night Parrotfish are commonly spotted here.
mooring pin, is the shelter for cowering Mooring Depth: 40 feet. Maximum Depth: