Page 528 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 528
he majority of Saba’s diving offers nudibranch, frogfish and seasonal juvenile Saba’s nursery, as it’s known, also has a pro-
activity. It’s rare to have current on this lific population of Flamingo Tongue Cowry
T volcanic coral encrusted boulders with shells as well as other interesting inverte-
only a few Windwardside sites being true side of the island and visibility tends to be brates, fish and hard corals. Morays eels,
sharptail eels, golds potted eels and the
coral reefs. The white sand bottoms in these exceptional. less common spotted snake eel that con-
ceals the majority of its long body in the
areas give them a different look and feel S HALLOW EASY DIVES AND SNORKEL sand are all to be found here. From squid
from the leewardside sites, and serious fish SITES: Well’s Bay and Torrens Point are to a humpback whale, this underestimated
watchers will note different species of reef dive site is always worth a third tank.
fish and critters than seen in other areas of the most protected waters of Saba dur-
the Saba Marine Park. The exposure to the ing normal weather conditions. Great for
Atlantic side lends itself less to soft cor- snorkeling or shallow dives, large boulders,
als but yield grand hard coral structures caves and swim throughs present interest-
of elkhorn forests, large plate and mush- ing underwater structures. A series of patch
room shaped star corals, and brain corals. reefs leading away from the shoreline host
These formations set the background for many juvenile species and a variety of eels.