Page 523 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 523

HE PINNACLES (5 dive sites): The fas-   and sponges put the pinnacles at world           ing. Underwater caves and tunnels are in-
                                             class status even without the added bonus        teresting structures to explore and the div-
T cinating Pinnacles that rise from the      of reef creatures and fish. The structures       er can encounter many aquatic life forms.
                                             themselves are not to be missed with the         Schools of Blue tangs, Goatfish, and Parrot
ocean floor up to depths of 30m (100ft)      most unique being The Eye of the Needle,         fish are characteristic in this area. Man ‘O
were formed by past volcanic activity and    just off in the deep blue from Third En-         War Shoals and Diamond Rock appear to be
are nourished by deep ocean currents.        counter. It’s common to encounter schools        submerged and semi-submerged exten-
The Pinnacles are covered with corals,       of tropical fish, jacks, groupers or even        sions of Torrens Point headland. They do
sponges and other invertebrates. Abundant    members of Saba’s robust shark population.       not exceed depths of 25 meters (80 feet),
fish life including large groupers, jacks    Caribbean Reef, Nurse and Black Tip sharks       allowing for more bottom time to explore
and turtles are attracted to this area and   are the most common to see cruising our          the rich waters and enjoy the magnificent
provide a spectacular diving experience.     waters but there are a few sightings each        fish life that abounds. Schools of Black-
Shark encounters also occur frequently       year of Hammerheads, Bull and a rare Tiger       durgons and Barracudas swarm around the
around these waters. Black-tip reef sharks,  shark. Lucky divers may get to swim with         mooring lines while Black-tip sharks merge
Grey reef sharks and Nurse sharks are the    a humpback whale, manta ray or whale             into the blue. Sting rays hover over the grey
most common species sighted. The most        shark, things we don’t advertise or guaran-      sandy bottom. Walls and rocks are covered
unique structure not to be missed is the     tee but are seen. Although these dive sites      with colorful sponges, smaller corals and
Eye-of-the-Needle, a pinnacle that rises     are virtually bottomless, they can be safely     Sea fans. Be cautious while diving around
up to 17 meters (90 feett) just off in the   enjoyed with 100 to 120 foot dive profiles       Diamond Rock because of strong currents.
deep blue waters from Third encounter.       (30-40m), well within the limits of recrea-      While this site may present challenging
Not far offshore, Saba ’s famous pinnacles   tional diving.                                   diving conditions, it also attracts abundant
and seamounts, Third Encounter, Twilight                                                      fish life. Man O’ War Shoals, Diamond Rock
Zone, Outer Limits, Mt. Michel and Shark     T ORRENS POINT TO DIAMOND ROCK (3                and Green Island are also classified as pin-
Shoals rise dramatically from the depths to       dive sites): The large spires at Wells Bay  nacles but have sandy bottoms at between
within 85 feet of the surface. These depths  and Torrens Point form a protected cove, an      70 and 80 feet.
have protected them from any natural         ideal location for snorkeling or shallow div-
storm damage and, of course, anchors. The
mere size and abundance of large sea fans
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