Page 524 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 524

lthough pelagics are not as common at         HE LADDER BAY AREA (5 dive sites):        were brought to the island by landing long
                                                                                              boats on the rocky shoreline with stout and
A these shallower pinnacles, more bot-         T The original steps that Sabans used to       hearty Sabans carrying the goods by foot
                                                                                              up the nearly vertical stairway before reach-
tom time let’s you absorb and explore the      access the island is known as The Ladder.      ing the road leading to the village of The
many nooks and crannies that are home to       Prior to the building of the Fort Bay harbor,  Bottom. As such, dive sites off this shore are
every imaginable species. The currents, that   goods were brought by boat to the rocky        referred to as Ladder Bay: Custom House,
sometimes prevent diving these sites, yield    shore of the leeward coast. Sabans carried     Porites Point, Babylon, Ladder Labyrinth,
plankton rich waters for the inhabitants       the cargo by foot up the nearly vertical       Hot Springs, Ray ‘n’ Anchors. Volcanic lava
that line the cylinder style walls of these    stairway to the village. Diving in this area   flow has created a natural labyrinth of spur
two pinnacles. Schools of blue tangs, big      unveils Saba’s volcanic origins. A natural     and groove formations. If you still ques-
eyes and juvenile barracuda frequent these     labyrinth of groove formations and protru-     tion Saba’s volcanic origins, you can place
areas. The dark volcanic sand around these     sions developed as a result of lava flow.      your hands into the sulfur stained sand
sites is home to many interesting critters     If you bury your hand in the sand where        and feel the warmth of this now dormant
including flying gurnards, batfish, industri-  it is yellow/brown color, the temperature      volcanic island. Nurse sharks, turtles, mated
ous sand tile fish and jawfish. If you were    differences of the sea floor become quite      whitespotted filefish and even the occa-
limited to only one dive on Saba, either of    evident. Large boulders and grey sand          sional tarpon are some of the larger animals
these sites will be the best representation    dominate the area and the most common          you may meet face-to-face on the leeward
of the healthy reefs and abundance of ma-      species of coral are Star coral, Brain coral   coast. The sea grass on the perimeter of the
rine life that the waters of the Saba Marine   and Gorgonian. Curious Barracudas may          reef provides sustenance for Saba’s healthy
Park offer. In addition, each of these sites   approach divers very closely. Traveling        sea turtle population as well as garden eels,
offers the opportunity for increased bottom    in a westerly direction down our leeward       spotted eagle ray or seahorses. Ladder Bay
time when conducted as a multi-level pro-      coast brings you to that area referred to      is also one of our favorite areas for night
file with long slow spirals upward around      by Sabans as The Ladder. Perched precari-      dives.Saba’s Tent Bay Turtle
these minor seamounts.                         ously on a steep cliffside are the original
                                               steps used by islanders to access Saba. The
                                               original custom house remains. Prior to
                                               the building of the Fort Bay harbor, goods
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