Page 554 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 554

LECTRICITY: 110-130 volts a.c. 50 cycles.  Indian seasoning. Check your menu for         as rain shadows created by mountains, can
                                                barbecued chicken or ribs, stuffed land crab  play an important role in local weather con-
E Many U.S. appliances that operate on          and goat stew. Seafood is prevalent in the    ditions. Keep in mind that those cold fronts
                                                restaurants, including red snapper, grouper,  in the U.S. that dip down from the north can
60 cycles will work fine, except items like     shrimp and Caribbean lobster. Tropical        keep right on dipping to most of the north-
hair dryers, irons and some battery charg-      fruits and vegetables are also common:        ern islands, bringing cool temperatures and
ing equipment, which may overheat if used       christophene, green banana, breadfruit,       rough water in their wake.
for an extended period of time. European        papaya and mangoes. Expect comfortable,
appliances that run on 220 volt cannot be       unpretentious restaurants where reserva-      T wo other important factors to consider
used, unless you have adapters.                 tions aren’t required.                             in the Caribbean are tourist season and
                                                                                              hurricane season. The off-season for tour-
T IME ZONE: The islands follow the At-          S T. EUSTATIUS SEASONAL DIVE PLANNER:         ism is roughly mid-April to mid-December.
      lantic Standard Time, which is 1 hour          Temperatures between summer and          It can mean much cheaper prices (up to
ahead of Eastern Standard Time and equals       winter don’t normally vary much more than     60% less) than in the busy high season. Al-
Eastern Daylight Time. There is no daylight     five degrees in the Caribbean. The aver-      though hurricanes can develop any time of
saving time on the islands. The difference      age temperature is about 80° year-round.      the year, the season is generally considered
with Central European Time is 5 hours dur-      Naturally, southern islands tend to be a      to be from July to November, with Septem-
ing the winter and 6 when daylight saving       little warmer than the northern ones. For     ber the most likely month. Island folklore
time is in effect in the summer.                example, Curaçao’s southern location keeps    has it this way:
                                                its summer average at 83° and winter at
S HOPPPING: Shopping is not the rea-            80°, while the northern Bahamas (Nassau)      June, too soon
      son people visit Statia: The pickings     vary from a summer average of 81° down to     July, pass by
are pretty slim. Nevertheless, you can find     a cool 69° average in the winter. There is a  August, we must
handcrafted island souvenirs, postcards and     wet and dry season, with most rain falling    Remember September
tropical beachwear.                             between May/June and October/November.        October, all over.
                                                However, location and topography, such
D INING: The local cuisine is delight-
       fully spicy, making use of typical West
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