Page 557 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 557
Statia’s Diving: Corals, Wrecks and Walls
S tatia is only 18 miles from Saba and can created on Statia. The first was the STENAPA
be easily reached with an 8-minute di- project, now known as “Wreck City”. “Dou-
rect Winair flight each day. Like Saba, Statia ble Wreck” and “Triple Wreck” are dive sites
has not been exploited by cruise ships or with multiple natural shipwrecks. Addition-
timeshare properties. The Statia Marine Park ally, there’s inaccessible wreckage that is
was officially established in 1997. Moor- located outside the park’s limits in heavily
ings are in place at the 38 official dive sites trafficked shipping lanes. Divers looking
of the park. The considerable leeward side for authentic treasure can experience the
of Statia affords easy access to dive sites. thrill of finding real treasure. Original “blue
Like Saba, any diving around Statia must be beads”, glass beads used in slave trading in
done through a local dive operator. Three earlier centuries, are still abundant.
professional dive shops can be found just T here are deep sites and shallow ar-
south of Statia’s harbor where the remains eas. There are ancient unrecognizable
of ballast stone warehouses are part of the
lovely scenery along Statia’s boardwalk. wrecks and modern wrecks underwater no
S tatia has a number of aritifical reefs/ more than a few months. Though Statia
wrecks, the most famed is M/V Charles L. does not have a fringing reef system, some
of the coral that has grown on the rocks has
Brown, more commonly referred to on Satia now become coral reef. The last volcanic
as The Charlie Brown. The 300’ (100m) cable eruption on Statia was 1,600 years ago, and
ship acquired for purposes of an artificial evidence of the volcano’s output is easily
wreck has now met its final resting spot. found on the seabed.
Charlie Brown is the second artificial reef