Page 567 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 567

Statia’s Main Scuba Diving Categories

C ORAL ENCRUSTED LAVA FLOWS: Coral encrusted lava flows            down to 65′ft or 19m. The lava flows create structure where
      emanate from the island’s now dormant volcano some           marine life congregate at a much higher level than sprawling
40,000 years ago have created finger-like plates that run east to  reef can typically sustain. Divers will commonly observe turtles,
west on top of a depth of 50′ft or 15m providing for good light    barracudas, sharks, and lobsters along with all the colorful fish
resulting in an abundance of hard and soft corals and sponges.     one would expect on a pristine Caribbean reef. . • Barracuda reef •
Most divers impressively comment on the barrel sponges, under-     Hangover reef • The Ledges • Nursing Station • Castle Rock • Blairs
cuts and overhangs which run along the plateau where it slopes     Reef • Anchor point
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