Page 570 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 570

M ACRO: These dives are very popular           them ended up in the sand at about 60′ or    the challenge will be to see what you can
        with underwater photographers and      18m in the middle of the harbor. So while    remember after the dive. Turtles, rays, eels
                                                                                            and every fish you can think of are com-
divers who enjoy the smaller and more unu- some people are looking for the small stuff      mon. • Aquarium • Dooby’s crack

sual marine life. Glenn, a photo nut himself, others like looking for the beads which is    B OULDER SLIDES: Found on the north
                                                                                                  end of Statia are near shore where the
has spent years shooting the multitude of the only artifact that if found can be kept       cliffs are very steep. Boulders the sizes of
                                                                                            small cars have rolled down over the centu-
sea creatures that call this area home and by visitors. The locals say once you find a      ries and became coral and sponge havens
                                                                                            with all kinds of nooks and crannies where
has developed techniques for getting them bead you will always come back to Statia. •       marine stuff likes to hide. These sites are
                                                                                            weather sensitive but when you hit it right
to come out and put on a show. Some of         Blue Bead Hole                               sharks, turtles, eagle rays, and sometimes
                                                                                            manta rays can be enjoyed. • North Point •
the favorites are the Pike Blennies, Sail Fin                                               Gibraltar • Normans Nose
IBlennies, Flying Gurnards, Pipe fish, Mantis
                                               SOLATED ROCK OURCROPPINGS: Formed
shrimp, decorator crabs, etc. The macro dive   during the violent times when the vol-

site we dive most is called the Blue Bead      cano was active with rocky ridges popping

Hole which is an entire other story itself.    out of the sand. These sites are special as

Blue Beads or ‘trading beads’ were made in they are in a sand field so any life in the

the early 1700′s for trade with indigenous area will congregate on them for cover,

people around the world. They are a well       cleaning, and food. The abundance of ma-

known part of Statia’s history, and some of rine life on these sites is overwhelming and
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