Page 573 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 573

Statia’s Dive Sites in Alphbetical Order

ANCHOR POINT: The old coral-covered an-          are places to see nurse sharks taking a nap
chor blends into the surrounding reef. It is a   under the overhangs. Barracudas keep an
French anchor dating to the period of 1750-      eye on you when you descend and ascend
1775, it is about 310 cm long and weights        by the anchor line. A mini wall starting at
587 kg: probably one of the most beautiful       about 50 feet offers a good chance to see
anchor we have in Statia. Before you reach       the predatory barracuda. Check out the
the anchor you encounter a swim through,         ledge that’s home to many critters like
walls packed with lobsters and huge barrel       lobsters, porcupine fish and more. Depth 22
sponges. Depth 18 meters.                        meters.

AQUARIUM: This hidden lava bomb in the           BLAIR: This underwater coral island attracts
remote north of the island is covered with       schooling reef fish. You find plenty of lob-
coral and sponges. This dive site is packed      sters in the cracks of an overhang. Barracu-
with reef fish, scorpion fish and turtles. Sen-  das circle around the anchor line. And you
nets form dense schools between the lava         may even find a sea horse hanging on to a
bombs and you may even find a sea horse          piece of coral. Depth 19 meters.
hanging on a coral branch. Depth 18 meters
                                                 BLOCKS: No description.
BARRACUDA: This large sloping basalt plate
has vertical walls full of cracks with abun-
dant coral, sponges and marine life, and
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