Page 577 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 577
DROP OFF: In the south of the island the GRAND CANYON: You dive between pinna- HUMPS: The Humps are huge coral-covered
ocean floor drops down almost vertically. cles fully covered with black corals. Pinna- lava bombs and lava ‘fingers’. Due to the
The volcano kind of continuous under cles are submerged steep islands, and div- shallow depth it’s a perfect dive site for
water here. The dive starts on top of some ing between them gives you the real ‘grand beginners but experienced divers love this
amazing deep lava flows fully covered canyon’ feeling. If you only pay attention to dive site as well. You find loads of ( juvenile)
with deep water sea fans. After a while we the vertical walls of the pinnacles you may reef fish, corals and sponges. A true heaven
ascend next to a vertical wall till we end miss the pelagics such as eagle rays and for marco-lovers. Depth 16 meters.
up on the upper reef. Pelagic fish are fre- sharks who often visit this dive site. Depth
quently observed in the deep blue and the 40 + meters. LEDGES 1 and LEDGES 2: Spur and Grove
landscape here is just phenomenal. Depth coral formations with five lava fingers. The
40 + meters. HANGOVER: The perfect mix of coral southernmost lava finger is where these
gardens, sandy areas, and fascinating two sites are located. Depth: 20 meters.
GILBRALTAR: This giant rock (14 meters high overhangs which will give you so much to
by 16 meters wide) in the far north of the look at, you might get a “hangover”! With LOST ANCHOR: This reef recently discovered
island is a really unique dive site. Normally a depth of between 14 and a maximum of by ‘our’ guide (and island archeologist)
you only found deepwater sea fans in deep 20 meters, you can hang around for almost Ruud is worth investigating. Ruud was all
water but this shallow rock is covered with hours and that gives you the chance of see- exiting the first time he found two huge
it. Schooling barracuda’s are guarding the ing a lot of different fish species, either in anchors, but the number of anchors rises
rock and there is a big change to find the one big school or individuals. The “balcony” almost every time we dive this reef. It’s
beautiful jackknife fish. On our way to the at the end of the reef is the spot to stay located a few miles off shore and the lack
rock and back to the boat we find enor- and wait for the fish to come. Relax, look of a mooring makes this a more advanced
mous boulders , the favorite place for nurse into the blue and they will come closer and dive. Hundreds of barracuda’s and rabbit-
shark to take a nap. Depth 20 meters. closer and “dance” around you. A little grey fish escort you during this dive and queen
reef-shark is often swimming around check- angelfish love this reef. Depth 25 meters.
ing his territory. Depth 17 meters.