Page 78 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 78
Lac Bay - Not only are the turquoise waters beautiful, but Lac Bay Beware, this site is virtually in the open ocean - strong currents!
is a fantastic activity center, with swimming, snorkeling, kayaking, PLAYA BENGE 15’- 100’ (3-30m) The entry is via a beautiful little
and windsurfing. Or you can sit in the tradewind with a nice drink rocky beach that leads to a fantastic spur-and-groove reef. Group-
or a tasty picnic while watching all of the gleeful action in the bay. ers, glassy sweepers, grunts, and snappers are common. Caution:
Some folks consider Lac Bay to be one of best windsurfing spots in The current here is often strong, therefore this spot is recommended
the world. Bonaire Windsurf Place at Sorobon Beach has rentals, for advanced divers only.
plus the best spot in the world to be introduced to the excitement of PLAYA FUNCHI 15’- 100’ (3-30m) Enter through a break in the
windsurfing. 717-5091. Or see Jibe City, 717-5233. reef at the south side of a beautiful rocky beach. Staghorn, leafy fire
Kiteboarding - Atlantis Beach is one of the greatest kiteboarding corals, and mountainous star corals, and a number of little trunk
spots in the world. The tradewinds are strong, the sea is flat, and fish. Big midnight parrotfish. Horse-eye jacks patrol the deep blue
the water is warm. See Kitebuzz when you are there for rentals or water. Advanced snorkeling. Beware of strong currents. Friendly
lessons. iguanas greet you in the parking. Flamingoes and shore birds grace
Cargill Salt Flamingo Sanctuary - Over 10,000 pink flamingos enjoy the playa.
one of the Western Hemisphere’s biggest flamingo sanctuaries. BISÉ MORTO 20’- 100’ (6-30m) The words Bisé Morto mean
Side One of Franko’s Guide Map of Bonaire also has captions for “dead deer”, which is thought to represent the numerous elkhorn
53 scuba diving and snorkeling locations along Bonaire’s coast, and and staghorn corals present. Pelagic species seen here have even
26 scuba diving and snorkeling sites around Klein Bonaire. There included, on rare occasions, whale sharks and manta rays, but more
are other dive sites in the Kralendijk area that are described on Side likely you’ll see horse-eye jacks. This is usually a boat dive.
Two of Franko’s Guide Map of Bonaire. The 79 captions from Side WAYAKA 30’-100’ (9-30m) This Washington Slagbaai National
One are as follows: Park boat dive site is seldom dived, and thus is pristine and beauti-
For the sites along the coast of Bonaire: ful. All sites along this northwest shoreline are liable to have big
BOCA BARTOL 20’-80’ (6-24m) This is the best spur-and-groove pelagics, so keep your eye toward the deep. Some divers enter from
reef in Bonaire, and is within the Washington Slagbaai National the shore.
Park. Enter at the south end of the cove. Southern stingrays in the BOCA SLAGBAAI 20’-80’ (6-24m) Enter south along the coast
sand, sea fans, elkhorn corals, mountainous star corals and colorful in shallow water. Make your way to the drop-off at 40’ (12m) and
sponges on the reef. Large pelagic species. Dive only when calm. follow the wall back to the beach. Tiger groupers, horse-eye jacks,