Page 82 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 82
JEFF DAVIS MEMORIAL 20’-100’ (6-30m) Shallows covered with CLIFF 20’-70’ (6-21m) Located in front of Hamlet Villas, this boat
gorgonians with turtles and sea horses. Big coral formations create or shore entryfeatures Capt. Don’s underwater Stone Memorial to
chutes that lead to a sandy bottom. the “divers who have gone beforeus,” which is marked with a plaque
KALLI’S REEF 30’-100’ (9-30m) Named after a Bonaire National and dive flag. A vertical wall, covered with blackcoral, wire coral,
Marine Park manager, this boat dive is great for scuba or snorke- large orange sponges, tube sponges, and orange ball anemones.
ling. Divers find turtles and seahorses. LA MACHACA (HABITAT) 20’-70’ (6-21m) Located in front of
OIL SLICK LEAP 20’-80’ (6-24m) Access is by ladder provided by Captain Don’s Habitat. There are two interesting wrecks at this site,
the Caribbean Club Bonaire, just up the street. Here you will find the La Machaca, a 45-foot fishing boat, and the Hesper, a 50-foot
morays, queen angelfish, and orange cup corals. The name derives Venezuelan fishing boat. The La Machaca is home to a green moray
from a former plan to build an oil terminal here. eel, who is used divers, but don’t let him mistake your fingers for a
bite to eat.
BARCADERA 30’-100’ (9-30m) Located directly across from the NORTH BELNEM 20’-100’ (6-30m) Access is by boat or from
Bonaire Marine Park Headquarters. Boat access only. Elkhorn shore to an easy dive site. Large schools of blue tang (which are yel-
corals in shallow waters. Huge plate corals are found beginning at low when they are juveniles) inhabit this area. The shallows feature
50’ (15m elkhorn coral.
ANDREA II 6’-100’ (2-30m) The shallows to the north of the entry BACHELOR’S BEACH 30’-100’ (9-30m) A convenient stairway
comprise some of the most outstanding snorkeling in the Carib- leads to the small beach here, which is a good spot for snorkeling
bean. Just south of the entry tour boats bring dozens of cruiseship and beginner scuba divers to see turtles and rays.
pasengers on snorkeling excursions. Here you will find staghorn, CHEZ HINES 30’-100’ (9-30m) Access is by boat to a wonderful
finger, and fire corals, numerous anemones, and gorgonians. scuba and snorkeling site. The slope features big orange elephant-
ANDREA I 6’-100’ (26-30m) Boat or shore dive. Here you will ear sponges, with horse-eye jacks and tiger groupers.
find many staghorn, finger, and fire corals, numerous anemones, LIGHTHOUSE POINT 30’-100’ (9-30m) Access is by boat or
and gorgonians and soft corals, where seahorses may be found. shore to a sandy-bottom scuba and snorkeling site featuring soft
PETRIE’S PILLAR 30’-90’ (9-27m) If entering from shore, beware corals and southern stingrays.
of elkhorn coral. Main attraction here is a large beautiful head of
pillar coral. Captain Don named this spot for a friend as an unu-
sual wedding present.