Page 85 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 85
SMALL WALL 20’-60’ (6-18m) Boat dive or enter with permission AQUARIUS 30’-100’ (9-30m) An easy site with a mostly
PUNT VIERKANT 25’-100’ (8-30m) “Square Point” is the northern sandy bottom. Lots of fish, plus a few southern stingrays, tur-
end of a double-reef, with the inner reef at 40’ (12m) to 100’ (30m), tles, and peacock flounders.
and the outer reef rising about 20’ (6m). Amongst basket sponges, LARRY’S LAIR 30’-100’ (9-30m) An easy site with a rocky
gorgonians, and large brain corals divers find a myriad of fishes. shore entry. Large groupers hang out at cleaning stations. Also
THE LAKE 25’-100’ (8-30m) This is the southern part of a double- good for seeing turtles and rays.
reef. The mooring is at 30’ (9m) on a shelf loaded with sea fans, fire JEANNIE’S GLORY 30’-100’ (9-30m) Boat or shore dive.
coral, parrotfish, damselfish, and trumpetfish. The outer reef is spec- Amongst sandy coral rubble, this site also features large barrel
tacular with mountainous star coral, and numerous colorful fishes. sponges and fire coral.
HILMA HOOKER 25’-100’ (8-30m) This internationally SALT PIER To 50’ (151m) Permission is required for this great
famous wreck dive has two moorings, on the double-reef afternoon or night dive. Pilings are covered with sponges and
complex. The top of the 72m (236’), 1000-ton drug-smuggling soft corals. Photogenic.
cargo ship, which sank in 1984, lies at 60’ (18m), the mast at SALT CITY 30’-90’ (9-27m) Elkhorn and staghorn corals, plus
99’ (30m). She lies on her starboard side. Although it is not gorgonians. Between the inner and outer reefs is a sand flat
recommended that novice divers penetrate this wreck, because with garden eels. Eagle rays sometimes grace the sand flats and
there are many hazards, divers with wreck dive training and feed here.
experiece find this a superb wreck to dive. INVISIBLES 20’-100’ (6-30m) Divers have an unusual chance
ANGEL CITY 30’-100’ (9-30m) The southern end of the to see garden eels in shallow water. Coral islands protrude
double reef here is famous for very large purple tube sponges, from sandy channels.
a huge mountainous star coral head with a swim-through, and
many angelfish. The sand channel has garden eels and sting-
rays. Access is via boat or shore.
ALICE IN WONDERLAND 30’-100’ (9-30m) A double-reef
complex beginning at 30’ (9m), with a covering of coral and
sponges, sloping to 90’ (27m) to a wide sand channel with gar-
den eels. The outer reef is stupendous, where big fish abound.