Page 86 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 86

TORI’S REEF 20’-100’ (6-30m) More species of fish have been             slave huts (reddish in color) along the road south of Kralendijk. The
identified at this single dive site than any other in the Carib-        remains of the HMS Barham attract groupers, turtles, and dolphins.
bean, except Bari Reef in Kralendijk. Many hard to find fish            Beware of strong currents which sweep around the island.
hide in the fire coral.                                                 WILLEMSTOREN LIGHTHOUSE To 60’ (18m) Advanced divers
PINK BEACH 20’-90’ (6-27m) The famous beach is pink                     only. Dive only when calm. Wreck debris includes a few old anchors
because of biological mineral collecting. This superb reef has          and chains. Large pelagic species including jacks are common. The
purple and iridescent vase sponges.                                     upper part of the slope has wonderful coral and sponge coverage.
WHITE SLAVE 20’-100’ (6-30m) Named for white pinnacle and old           BLUE HOLE 15’-100’ (5-30m) Also called WHITE HOLE, this spot
slave huts on shore, which are white in color. Sea turtles are almost   is a long walk in shallow water to a nice drop-off. Tarpon, southern
guaranteed.                                                             stingrays, and a few sharks. Caution: Strong currents make this a dif-
MARGATE BAY 20’-100’ (6-30m) Gorgonians make a nice resting             ficult and advanced dive. Divers usually need a dive guide here.
place for black margates (a snapper) here. Turtles are usually here as  CAI 30’-100’ (9-30m) Also called CONCH SHELLS, the strong
well.                                                                   currents and open ocean conditions make this dive on the “wild side”
RED BERYL 20’-100’ (6-30m) Stingrays and turtles love this area.        very advanced. Large pelagics and sharks are likely to be seen here.
Divers encounter many schools of Caribbean reef fishes.                 On shore at Cai there are piles of millions of conch shells left over
ATLANTIS 20’-100’ (6-30m) Turtles and a few large pelagic fishes        from the days when these delicious snails were harvested from the
are found in and around one of Bonaire’s colorful southern coral        bay. Larry’s offers wildside diving - call 790-9156.
gardens. Watch out for kiteboarders any time there is wind (which is    And here are the descriptions from Side One of Franko’s Map of
usually).                                                               Bonaire for the scuba diving and snorkeling sites around Klein
VISTA BLUE 30’-100’ (9-30m) At the southern end of Bonaire the          Bonaire:
currents get stronger and more pelagics appear out of the deep blue.    NO NAME BEACH To 100’ (30m) Water taxi passengers
SWEET DREAMS 30’-100’ (9-30m) Gorgonians thrive in the rich             head here for a day of sunning and snorkeling. Coral is sparse,
strong currents. Coral heads and sponges rise up from the “sugar        but the sand and coral rubble is home to quick yellow-headed
sand” bottom.                                                           jawfish.

RED SLAVE 20’-80’ (6-24m) Located in front of the second set of
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