Page 123 - Micronesia
P. 123
aibaku Tunnel - These sites are found within the lagoon south Shark usually come up close at the Coral Garden. Many Gray Reef
Sharks patrol the walls and circle around the corner. Along the
K of Koror. reefs edge Pyramid Butterfly fish and myriads of Red-toothed Trig-
gerfish congregate. You may see schools of Barracuda, Rudderfish,
L ighthouse Channel - This 80-foot deep channel into the main Snappers, Napoleon Wrasse, Lion fish, Emperors, Puffers, Turtles, as
harbor of Koror teems with small marine life, perfect for macro well as big pods of Spinner Dolphins can be seen.
photographers. Buoy 6 Wreck lies at the bottom of this channel.
N gedebus Wall - Ngedbus Coral Garden is a beautiful coral N gercheu Garden - General Information: This dive site is very
garden. Many deep canyons and crevices, both horizontal popular for a second dive. When the wind shifts to the west
and vertical, cut through this slope and offer residence to a large Ngerchong Gardens is well protected. Reef Formation: Shaped like
variety of marine life. There is usually no current here. Visibility is a horseshoe this shallow reef starts on the east side of Ngerchong
best during incoming tide. A gentle coral slope drops from the top Island and curves toward Denges channel to the northwest. A
of the reef down to 70 feet (23 m) before it changes to a run-off sandy bottom rises from 95 feet (31 m) to 40 feet (13 meter). The
of broken corals and sand. Three creatures are often seen here coral reef starts between 30 and 40 feet (10 and 13 m) and con-
are the well-camouflaged Crocodile fish, stingrays and Cuttlefish. tinues to rise until reaching the surface. During low tide the top
Schools of Black Tip Reef Shark usually greet the approaching dive of the reef is partially exposed. Different species of hard corals
boats. make up this magnificent Coral Garden. Marine life: Ngerchong
N gemelis Coral Garden – This site has many deep canyons and Coral Garden offers a variety of hard corals and colorful soft corals.
crevices cut the slope and are home to a large variety of ma- Cuttlefish can be seen here year round. Cuttlefish are masters of
disguise; it will take a sharp eye to find them. The garden teems
rine life. There is usually no current present. Visibility is best on an with small marine life, such as, shrimp, crab, nudibranchs, feather
incoming tide. A gentle coral slope drops from the top of the reef worms, garden eels and many shells. Black Tip Sharks, Eagle Rays
down to 75 feet, before it changes to a ridge of broken corals and and Mantas also visit this dive site. Diving: The dive boat will be
sand. Marine life includes Crocodile fish, Stingrays, Cuttlefish & tie off to one of two moorings. This is a shallow dive; the diver will
the Ornate Eagle Ray are commonly seen. Schools of Black Tip Reef have time to explore the entire Coral garden.