Page 127 - Micronesia
P. 127
eleliu Corner - Peleliu Cut is part of a vertical wall, which runs P eleliu Cut - The exceptionally fast current here provides excite-
ment, while the colorful soft corals and gorgonian fans make
P along the western side of Peleliu Island, turns and extends to
Peleliu Corner at the southern tip of the reef system. This section
of the reef, which includes Peleliu Wall, is the deepest reef struc- it a photographer’s favorite. Visibility is 100 ft despite the current.
ture in Palau. The top of the reef is a plateau that gradually drops Along the wall you’ll see anemones with clownfish, emperor angel-
from 30 feet (10 m) in front of the WWII monument to 90 feet (30 fish, sweetlips, surgeonfish, eels and turtles. You’ll also spot white
m) where Peleliu Expressway and Peleliu Cut merge to create Pele- tip and black tip sharks, schools of tuna, barracuda, jack, and snap-
liu Corner. The top of the plateau hosts large numbers of tropical per, rays, giant groupers and napolean wrasse. Triggerfish, anthius,
fish including Pyramid Butterflyfish, Square Anthias, Moorish Idols, and butterflyfish.
Sergeant Major’s, Yellowtail Fusiliers, Palette Surgeonfish, Bump-
head Parrotfish and Purple Anthias. Dense concentrations of bright
eleliu Wall - is one of the deepest and most beautiful wall
Pyellow soft corals, long strands of cable corals, big bushes of black dives in Palau. Deep canyons, crevices and caves cut into the
corals and sea fans decorate the sheer reef wall. What makes this wall offering hideouts and shelter to a large variety of marine life.
dive one of Palau’s best dives is the large number of pelagic fish Peleliu Cut is where the ocean currents, flowing around the archi-
patrolling along the Cut and at the Corner. Almost every type of pelago converge, making up some of the strongest currents you
pelagic fish has been seen here including Sperm Whales, Whale will experience in Palau. Due to the unpredictability and strength
Sharks, Tiger Sharks, Bull Sharks, Orcas, Sailfish, Blue Marlin and of currents the Peleliu Cut is considered an advanced Drift dive.
many more. You may encounter some counter currents along The site is Famous for large Pelagic fish action. Bright yellow soft
the wall as you approach the Peleliu Corner. When you reach the corals, wire & whip coral, bushes of Black coral and huge sea fans
Corner, if the current is strong, stay deep. If the current is mild, cover the walls. Expect to see Gray reef sharks, White Tip sharks,
hook yourself to the top of the reef and enjoy the show. While Barracudas, Jacks. The Plateau & the reefs edge host large numbers
swimming along the reef you will probably see many Gray Reef of tropical fish, including Pyramid Butterfly fish, Square Anthias,
and White Tip sharks. When you reach the Corner you will see more Moorish Idols, Sergeant Major’s, Yellowtail Fusiliers, Palette Sur-
sharks and providing that the conditions are just right, you will see geonfish, Bumphead Parrotfish, Trigger fish, Leafy Scorpion fish
some of the largest schools of surgeonfish, snappers and jacks in and Purple Anthias.
the world.