Page 409 - Micronesia
P. 409

WHAT TO EXPECT TO SEE: Kosrae is known for its virgin reef,                available in resorts.
pristine waters with and thriving hard coral. There are more than 172      VISA & PASSPORT REQUIREMENTS: A passport must be valid for
species of hard corals and 10 species of soft corals. There are over 250   at least 120 days beyond the date of entry. You will be required to fill
species of fish and marine lives. Bottleneck dolphins are regularly        out an immigration form and a custom form. US citizens must show
seen and whales sometimes can be spotted.                                  proof of citizenship and nationals of other countries must have a valid
GENERAL INFORMATION                                                        passport. A 30-day tourist permit may be obtained upon entry from
CLIMATE: It is warm and humid in Kosrae throughout the year. The           immigration officials. All visitors must have a return or onward ticket
mean annual temperature is about 77 F (25º C )and rarely exceeds           ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES: The punishment for illegal importation of
90 F (32º C). Kosrae is characterized by two distinct seasons: a dry       narcotics, possession of, and other illegal substances are punishable
season between May and October, and a rainy season from Novem-             by minimum of 10 years in prison without parole. There are alcohol
ber to April. You should be prepared for rain showers everyday. East-      beverages for sale in some of the island markets. Drinking is illegal on
erly trade winds are dominant between November and June. Tropical          Sundays 12AM to 12PM.
squalls can dump a considerable amount of rain in a short period of        DEPARTURE TAX: A US $15 departure tax is collected at the airport
time, but usually do not last long.                                        before departure.
LANGUAGE: Kosraean and English speaking community. You will                Until 1988 when Continental Micronesia added Kosrae to its regu-
find many Kosraeans speak English well as their second language.           lar flight schedule, few divers had the opportunity to enjoy the pris-
ELECTRICITY: Standard 110 volt and US type outlets are used.               tene reefs of Kosrae. Even today, Kosrae is still one of diving’s best
CURRENCY & CREDIT CARDS: US currency is used. We recom-                    kept secrets. Kosrae’s reef structure is healthy and thriving, not suf-
mend bringing cash. Few places accept credit cards. There is an ATM        fering from global climate changes, pollution, over development or
machine. There are two banks. Bank of the FSM and Bank of Guam             too many divers. Kosrae offers some of the most pristene diving in
GRATUITIES: Visitors to the country are guests and hospitality is an       the world. Kosrae has 60 mooring buoys that circle the entire island.
honor in our culture. Tips are neither expected nor encouraged.            They were installed as a joint effort of the government of Kosrae, local
PHONE & INTERNET SERVICE: Kosrae is linked to the rest of the              dive and resort operators, and international volunteers to protect and
world by way of satellite and fiber optics. A full range of telecommuni-   monitor the reefs. Moorings are typically in 30’ to 50’ (9m to 15m) of
cation services, including pre-paid telephone cards, internet, and fac-    water. The reefs gently slope from a coral plateau that falls away to a
simile machines are available to all points overseas. Internet is usually  wall or steep slope as you head out towards the blue. This allows for a
                                                                           pleasant drift along the slope or wall and by the end of the hour every-
                                                                           one has had ample time to off-gas exploring the shallows.
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