Page 52 - Micronesia
P. 52
abeldaob - Roam around Babeldaob, Palau’s biggest island eleliu Island - Visit the island of Peleliu, which forms the south-
B at about 43km (27 miles) long and 24km (15 miles) across at P ern boundary of the Rock Islands. In 1985 it was designated
its widest. It is a tropical gem comprising lush, green vegetation, a US National Historic Landmark, owing to the part it played in
steep mountains, freshwater lakes and sand dunes. It offers great WWII. Abandoned tanks, helmets and bomb casings are still dot-
opportunities for driving (4x4s are recommended) or mountain ted throughout the island and some of Palau’s best dive sites are
biking with spectacular views. located here.
B adrulchau Monoliths - See the 37 stone monoliths known as S ailing Charters and Liveaboards - Get out into the heart of the
Badrulchau, concrete examples of Babeldaob’s early civilisa- Rock Islands aboard a sailing yacht or dive liveaboard. Spend-
tion. The basalt stone pillars, weighing up to 4500kg each, are ing a few days aboard a gently rocking ship, moving from one
believed to date to around AD100 and archaeologists think they remote, idyllic island to another is a truly memorable way to expe-
may have been the support for a building. They are found located rience Palau’s natural beauty and its most memorable dive sites.
in a field in the far north of Babeldaob Island. T he Milky Way - A special cove that the locals call the “Milky
Way,” is Palau’s natural spa. The bottom of this little bay
H elicopter Tours - Take a birds’ eye view of the stunning Rock consists not of sand but of white limestone mud, which gives the
Islands with a helicopter tour. Seen from above the islands
appear like green gems fringed with golden sand emerging from water a milky sheen. Rumored that the mysterious chalky mud
some of the clearest waters in the world. Tours can include trips to makes an excellent rejuvenating facial, guides dive off, head down
Peleliu, wildlife spotting and can incorporate stops for snorkeling. to the shallow floor of the cove and return with a huge handful of
K oror - Explore the capital, Koror, the busiest center in the the white muck, for which they instruct their passengers to cover
islands with its many gift and craft shops, a variety of local and themselves. After soaking in the sun, while the clay dries and the
minerals work their magic, it’s time to jump in, rinse off and relish
international-themed restaurants and other resort facilities. The in the benefits of the natural body scrub. Typically, tour compa-
center is a bustling and lively hub and it is a wonderful insight into nies combine the Jellyfish Lake experience with the “Milky Way”
everyday Palauan culture. since these attractions are both located in the Rock Islands. For
more information, visit