Page 56 - Micronesia
P. 56
ay Trip to Badrulchau - Completed less in Palau and many tour operators offer land of tour companies based in Koror offer day trips
tours in the various states. For those that prefer via boat to Peleliu (one hour ride each way).
Dthan ten years ago, Palau’s Compact Road off-road adventures, Fish n’ Fins offers all-terrain Once on the island, visitors will want to visit
vehicle rentals. For more information, visit www. the Peleliu WWII Memorial Museum, which is a
encompasses Babeldaob Island, opening up moving experience. It examines in detail through
opportunities to visit sites of cultural/historic photos, articles and relics how war affected the
importance, such as the Badrulchau (Stone World War II Museum on Peleliu - Known island from the perspective of both the Japanese
Monoliths), Japanese lighthouse, stone paths, as the site for the bloodiest battle of and American soldiers. In addition the museum
stone faces and stone platforms. Just one hour World War II, Peleliu is full of war memorabilia, provides exhibits on the island’s recovery once
south of Koror to Ngarchelong in the north, the historical sites, buildings and memorials. Visitors the war was over.
highway runs through forest and savannah. One can take a self-guided tour as there are plenty
exciting feature of the highway is the experience of World War II relics, but a guided tour quickly
of both the east and west coasts of Babeldaob brings the history and battles to life. A number
with stops at markets for local food and refresh-
ments. There are several rental car companies