Page 149 - The British Big Four
P. 149

urtle Rocks - Turtle Rocks, a line of tiny rock outcroppings off isolated sergeant majors protecting their egg clusters, schools of

T the western side of Bimini, presents multiple faces - North, Mid- french grunts and innumerable reef fish. This is a protected marine
dle and South Turtle Rock. While all are very close in proximity, each sanctuary, thus the abundance of marine life. Depths of 15 to 25

rocky islet is distinctly different. Shallower to the north and deeper feet and a rich environment make it perfect for both the inexperi-

to the south, depths begin at the surface. While there is much to enced and experienced alike. It has been a long time favorite of pro

explore near the surface, the actual reef begins around 10 feet and photographers as it allows for an abundance of willing volunteer

you will not exceed 30 to 35 feet. No, the tiny islets are not named marine models and plenty of time to spare.

for resident turtles, though you may see a few occasionally. The
name comes the large brain and star corals and their resemblance
                                                                      oray Alley - Appropriately named, Moray Alley has historically
Mto the backs of turtles when exposed at low tide. You may expect     had an abundance of green moray eels interacting with di-

hordes of grunts, angelfish and parrotfish, filefish and other school- vers. Beyond this, there are resident populations of yellowtail snap-

ing reef inhabitants along with spotted eagle rays and nurse sharks. per, nassau grouper, trumpetfish and schooling grunts (both french

All three rocky islets are fine sites for both divers and snorkelers and striped) along with schools of black durgeon in the mid-water

alike. Turtle Rocks are a series of rocks running north and south, and blue tangs swarming the reef. The visiting diver will not be dis-

just above the water line, that separate the Great Bahama Bank from appointed. Depths range from 50 to 75 feet, moderate and accept-

the Atlantic Ocean. Each of these rocks have beautiful coral forma- able for nearly any level of diver.

tions and schools of fish on both the eastern and western sides. The
shallower depths of the Bank are perfect for snorkeling, while the
                                                                      oad to Atlantis - This network of rectangular stones running in
Reastern reefs provide a number of beautiful dive sites.              parallell rows situated in the heart of the Bermuda Triangle, has

R ainbow Reef - A shallow coral reef that is often a favorite of      long been shrouded in mystery and myth. Often thought to be evi-
      video and photography fans. The reasons become evident once     dence of the lost Island of Atlantis, this beautiful site is perfect for
                                                                      snorkeling or diving.

you dive the site ... ample amounts of natural light and swarms of

fish. Rainbow Reef is aptly named, a kaleidoscopic vision of the un-

derwater world. Shallow and rich, Rainbow Reef is populated with
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