Page 146 - The British Big Four
P. 146

ictory Reef - Victory Reef is a five-mile stretch of reef line off       he Strip - The Strip is a classic Bimini site. A long, thin reef

V of North and South Cat Cay. Within the reef system are sev-             T line surrounded by an expanse of sand, it stretches nearly 100
eral fantastic divespots. The reef runs along the edge of the Gulf yards. It is barely 5 yards wide rising to a maximum relief of 10 feet

stream which means divers can expect to see a variety of deep             and rests in depths of no more than 35 to 40 feet. The compact

water marine life such as turtles, stingrays, sharks and atlantic         nature of this isolated reef line concentrates the marine life. It is

bluefin tuna. On the reef you will see tangs, parrot fish, angelfish a beehive of activity. Perfect for either day or night dives, you can

and spade fish. When the clear waters of the Gulf stream cur-             expect reef octopus, spotted moray eels, reef crabs, spiny lobster,

rent are sweeping through the visibility underwater can be over an abundance of smaller invertebrates, reef fish and the occasional

100 feet. When the current is ripping it’s best to do a drift dive.       nurse shark, southern stingray or peacock flounder lazing in the

Divers can explore the reef line as it sloped from 30 feet down to sand off the reef. The site is often a great option for a second “shal-

80 feet. Along the way there are cliffs, swim-throughs and caves. lower” dive of the day.

Well-formed hard corals and thick sponge communities grow here.           L ittle Caverns - Little Caverns is an expansive reef zone pebbled
When the current is slack divers can see juvenile fish as well as the          with popcorn kernel-shaped coral heads, each inviting explora-
large pelagics. Special spots along the reef are Rainbow Valley,

Cathedral, and the Sponge Gardens. Tuna Alley is very close by. A tion. The reef is named for the multiple tiny openings in the coral

stunning site full of caverns and swim-thrus, with dramatic under- heads. Each and every one is populated by a vast variety of marine

water topography. Often done as a drift dive, the variety of critters inhabitants. Depths range from 50 to 80 feet so bottom time is a

here is staggering. Hammerheads, caribbean reef sharks, and sea bit limited. While they are certainly inviting, don’t be distracted

turtles are common, along with not often such species as wahoo by the large schools of fish, the joy may be found in the smaller

and mahi mahi.                                                            inhabitants. Take your time, move slowly and look closely. In this

                                                                          spot, your patience will be rewarded.
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