Page 141 - The British Big Four
P. 141

imini is one of only two places in the world you can see the located close to shore and in shallow water making them accessible

B oceans most elusive large predatory shark found in the trop- in nearly all weather conditions. Bimini is also a year round shark
ics, the Great Hammerhead Shark. Great Hammerheads are without destination making it possible to successfully target sharks every

a doubt the pinnacle of shark diving in the Bahamas. These large day of the year. Because of the convenient dive locations, shallow

predatory sharks can grow to over 20’ making them the largest depth, and year round shark populations Bimini is a practical and

hammerhead and rival to the Tiger Shark for the 2nd largest preda- efficient shark diving location in the Bahamas.

tory shark in the ocean. Their prehistoric build and elusive nature
makes them a prize among researchers and wildlife photographers.
                                                                            iving with hammerhead sharks is one of the ultimate scuba
DThis shark diving expedition takes place on the sand banks running         diving experiences. They look like something out of a science

along the Gulf Stream in water depths ranging from 15’ to 50’. The fiction movie. To see one is impressive, to see swarms of them cruis-

dive conditions at this site are usually ideal as the islands to the east ing around you is absolutely breathtaking! Hammerheads can live

often put us in the lee of the wind. Visibility at this site is often over a long time - usually between 30 and 40 years. The biggest of the

80’ and sometimes over 100’.                                                9 species is the Great Hammerhead, which can grow up to 6 meters

B imini for the most part is a bank with nothing but a sand bottom          in length and weigh up to 450kg’s, but the average size of most
      that slopes off for miles until it drops into the Gulf Stream. It is  species is around 4 meters and 230kg’s. They are found around
                                                                            the world, in tropical and temperate waters. They use their crazy-

believed the Hammers congregate here to feed on stingrays in the shaped head as a hunting tool; with eyes on either end of their head

sandy bottoms. Because this shark diving site sits relatively close to it means they can actually see better than most sharks, improving

deep water it is possible to draw in other sharks, most commonly their ability to find prey. They have many sensors along the width

, tiger, and caribbean reef sharks. Great Hammerheads only come of their head that send out electrical charges to locate prey even

to in numbers for a short period of time from mid-January through buried underneath the sand.

March 1st. Aside from Great Hammerhead, Bimini has some of the

best Bull, Tiger, Caribbean Reef, Lemon, and Nurse shark dives in

the Bahamas. Bimini is unique because most of it’s dive sites are
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