Page 142 - The British Big Four
P. 142
hey are carnivores and their favorite food is stingrays. They use own free will. It is a natural encounter with wild dolphins that are
T their heads to pin the wings of the ray to the sea floor so it can’t in complete control of the interaction. They can appear or disap-
escape. Hammerheads are not an aggressive sharks and aren’t con- pear at anytime. Dolphin encounters can last from a few minutes
sidered dangerous to humans, although the sheer size and preda- to several hours each. It is not uncommon for Bimini’s dolphins to
tory nature of the Great Hammerhead means caution should always come extremely close to you during your swim. However, for the
be taken when diving with these prehistoric giants. There are very health and safety of the dolphins, no touching, feeding or chas-
few attacks on record, but you should never rule it out, especially ing is permitted. They generally prefer you to swim with your arms
in remote diving areas. The Squat-headed and Scalloped Ham- down at your sides or behind your back, not reaching out for them.
merhead Sharks are on the endangered species list. Extreme care A variety of operators come to Bimini to showcase this unique wild
should be taken in the preservation and conservation of this shark dolphin encounter, one of only five places in the world where these
and its environment. encounters occur. Bimini Big Game Club will help you enjoy this
truly unique experience.
olphins It’s a 10-mile ride from Bimini to the gathering grounds
tenella frontali is the scientific name for Atlantic Spotted Dol-
D of wild spotted dolphins, and there is no protection from the phin. As the name suggests, Spotted Dolphins are commonly
Sprevailing wind. Plan a trip when winds are favorable--usually mid-
May through October--to enjoy this must-do experience. In the recognized by their spots that develop as they age. Most interest-
mid-1990s, a pod of Wild Atlantic Spotted Dolphins took up resi- ingly, they lead very complex social lives. They form smaller sub
dence in the warm waters of Bimini, giving rise to one of the most groups within their pod such as: Mothers with the same age calves,
enjoyable experience one can have when visiting Bimini - interact- mixed sex juveniles and mature males. The groups ranges from 3
ing in the water, in the wild, with these magnificent animals. No to 9 individuals with the overall pod size being about 50. Spotted
scuba, not even a snorkel is required - just you and the dolphins Dolphins exhibit numerous social behaviors like companionship, af-
against the backdrop of Bimini’s mesmerizing crystal bluegreen wa- fection, aggression and play and when two dolphin are swimming
ters. The dolphins are free spirits and swim to their own music, so to together they will be in almost constant physical contact with each
speak. They certainly don’t operate on a fixed performance sched- other.
ule or show up on cue, and that makes it all the more magical when
they do. These wild spotted dolphins come to play with us of their